Saturday, December 17, 2005

'Cops with Kids' held at Wal*Mart & K-Mart in Bryan.
Pizza party and Santa was afterwards at Wesley United Methodist Church.

The following members were present:
Larry Altman, Jeff Arnold, Matt Arnold, Kevin Beck, Stan Bryner, John Doseck, Jim Foltz, Dan Griffin, Gale Horn, Mose Mohre, Stan Nihart, Colin Rose, Jason Shaffer, Jim Snivley, Kirk Stickney, Steve Suchocki and Jim Walker.

Other officers assisting were:
Monica Herman, Ken Jacob, J.R. Jones, Dan McGee, Steve Schlosser, Rich Shatzer, Phil Smethurst, Hayworth Treace, Tracy Williamson and Scott Wilson.

James G. Walker
Secretary, FOP 181

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