Saturday, December 16, 2000

Meeting called to order by President Jeff Arnold at Wesley United Methodist Church following the 'Cops with Kids' program with the following members & guests present:
Matt Arnold, Dan Cline, Kevin Hager, Michelle Hayward, Dan Hughes, Ken Jacob, Bill Noethen, Jeff Priester, Jeff Ridgway, Colin Rose, Steve Schlosser, Todd Shock, Jeremy Viers, Jim Walker and Scott Wilson.

B. Noethen advised that the awards banquet will be held February 16, 2001 at the Ramada Inn, Montpelier, beginning at 1800 and dinner at 1900.  Montpelier PD will be sending out RSVP invitations to all.  Presentations will be made to the following: W. Bish, R. Custar, T. Johnson, M. Katafias, R. Mosier, H. Noethen, M. Potts and R. Walker.  Motion by C. Rose, 2nd by K. Hager to accept Noethen's recommendations for the banquet.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Discussion led by J. Walker concerning a web page for the local Lodge.  Dan Glore of Data Eclipse is donating server space and our fee will be $35 per year for the domain name.  Domain name chosen will be  Walker will maintain the page along with anyone else that wants to help.  Motion by B. Noethen, 2nd M. Arnold to proceed with the web page.  Motion passed after voice vote.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

James G. Walker
Acting Secretary, FOP 181

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