Tuesday, November 28, 2000
Meeting called to order by President Jeff Arnold at the Lodge with the following members present: Motion by S. Nihart, 2nd by B. Noethen to void the previous entry for election of officers every 2 years and return to elections every year. Motion passed after voice vote. Nominations of Officers: Cops with Kids shopping will be held at Bryan Wal-Mart and K-Mart stores on Saturday, December 16, 2000 with the regular membership meeting to be held at Wesley Church in Bryan immediately following. Treasurer's report: (refer to hard copy of minutes) Scholarship awards - Committee to look at applications and make recommendations. Motion by J. Arnold, 2nd by C. Rose to purchase past FOP Secretary ring for J. Ridgeway. Passed after voice vote. Motion by J. Walker, 2nd by C. Rose to purchase past FOP Treasurer ring for S. Nihart. Passed after voice vote. B. Noethen led discussion for appreciation dinner for Officers and County Prosecutor that are retiring this year. Trustees (B. Noethen, M. Arnold, J. Ridgway) were appointed to committee to make contacts to determine retired officers and make needed preparations for banquet to be held sometime in February 2001. There being no further business, motion by S. Nihart, 2nd by J. Walker to adjourn. Passed after voice vote. James G. WalkerActing Secretary, FOP 181 - Back - |