Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Meeting called to order by Sgt. at Arms, Gary Mohre who also led the Pledge of Allegiance.  The following members were in attendance: Ed Biederstedt, Scott Boyd, Randy Buehrer, Justin Coffman, Kyle Miller, John Rathke, Jonathan Roberts, Andy Skiles, Steve Towns, Jeremy Viers, Tracy Williamson, Terry Bartel, Kevin Beck, Gary Mohre, Tom Szymczak, and Jim Walker.

Motion by Ed Biederstedt, 2nd by Scott Boyd to accept minutes as posted on website.  Motion passed after voice vote.

No Treasurer report was given.

Trustee Randy Buehrer advised members that he and Trustees Stan Nihart and Justin Coffman met and reviewed the By-Laws with the current process of potential members being accepted.  Randy read Article 3.4 of the By-Laws that states that the application would be presented to the Lodge at a meeting and shall lay over for a period of one month before it can be balloted upon.  The presiding officer of the Lodge may appoint a committee to investigate the character of the applicant and if the application is not rejected, the vote requires three-fourths of the members present at the next meeting to accept such applicant.  To make any changes, the By-laws would have to be changed.  Discussion took place regarding mandatory appearance however nothing in the By-laws require it at this time.  Motion by Randy Buehrer, 2nd by Justin Coffman to follow the By-Laws for accepting new members.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Jeremy Viers advised members that applications for Shaun Fulk and Matt Sammons were presented to the members in October.  Motion by Justin Coffman to accept Shaun as a new member, 2nd by Andy Skiles.  Motion passed after voice vote.
Motion by Randy Buehrer to hold Matt Sammons application until January for him to pay the application dues payment, 2nd by Kyle Miller.  Matt was unable to attend meeting due to work.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Jeremy Viers reminded members of the breakfast at Bryan PD prior to Shop with a Cop.
Ed Biederstedt was thanked for getting new folding chairs and having them available.
Randy Buehrer gave a sample of the new member application form for review.  After discussion regarding information needed on form, Randy will modify and Jim Walker will make it available to print from the website.  Motion by Jim Walker to accept the new application form, 2nd by Gary Mohre.  Motion passed after voice vote.

No New Business was brought to the members.

Motion to adjourn by Terry Bartel, 2nd by Scott Boyd.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Minutes typed by:  Andy Skiles, Secretary

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