FOP lodge 181 Captain Custar  11/26/2013

Matt Franzdorf, Chris Chappa, Jeff Arnold, Matt Arnold, Gale Horn, Tyson Wasilewski, Tom Szymczak, Tim Livengood, Randy Buehrer, Steve Schlosser, Terry Bartell, Andy Skiles, Steve Towns, Stan Nihart, Jeremy Veirs, Dan Cline, Nic Lanzer

Tres. Report:  All bills caught up, Balance Reg. Checking, Numbers for all CD and Special funds, Tara Arnold and Scholarship.

Motion to accept reports:  Jeff Arnold and second Terry Bartell.  motion passed.

Mins. for last meeting:  Motion to accept Terry Bartell second by Jeff Arnold.  Motion passed.

Cops and Kids will be on Dec. 14th at Walmart at 0830.  At least 73 Kids.  Had complaints on cross over solicitors.

Old Business:

New Business:
New life members:  Paul Zawodny, Ryan Baird, Stan Nihart, Terry Bartell.  Motion by Jeremey Veirs, Second by Steve Towns.  Motion passed.
Donation to Edgerton FD on equipment - A letter was sent asking for donation to buy equipment.  Discussion of topic lead to not sending anything at this time.  Motion by Gale Horn and second by Tom Szymczak not to support at this time.  Motion passed.

Motion to adjourn:  Tom Szymczak and second by Tim Livengood.  motion passed.

Mins. typed by S. Towns

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