Tuesday, November 25, 2003
Meeting called to order by President Stan Nihart at the Lodge with the following members present: President Nihart turned the meeting over to guest speaker Trisha Schuller of Tri-State College. She explained that she is one of a three member team of students to be competing in an American Criminal Justice Association competition to be held in Sacramento, CA. The competition involves physical training, use of firearms and crime scene analysis. She stated that her team is currently the National Champions of the crime scene competition. After some discussion, motion by C. Long, 2nd by L. Lawrence to donate $1,000 to the team to assist with their expenses. Motion passed after voice vote. A very appreciative Trisha stated the team will return to our March 23, 2004 meeting to report how they did. Due to the length of last months meeting minutes, they were passed around before the meeting to be read by the membership. Motion by K. Beck, 2nd by S. Suchocki to accept. Motion passed after voice vote. No treasurer's report as the Treasurer was not present. Application for new members: S. Nihart reported the bar stools should arrive the first of December. K. Beck reported that Ron Coffman has completed his work installing the French door and has been paid. Ron also gave us a discounted bill. S. Nihart reported the trees have been moved and thanked D. Griffin for his extra work resetting most of them due to high winds the day after they were transplanted. S. Nihart asked the membership to get him names of retired officers to be honored at a banquet to be held possibly in April 2004. There being no further business, motion K. Beck, 2nd by M. Arnold to adjourn. Motion passed after voice vote. James G. WalkerSecretary, FOP 181 - Back - |