Tuesday, November 24th, 2020

Meeting called to order by Sgt. at Arms, Gary Mohre who also led the Pledge of Allegiance.  The following members were in attendance:  Randy Buehrer, Steve Schlosser, Steve Suchocki, Jeremy Viers, Marvin Hug, Gary Mohre, Tom Szymczak, Nick Lanzer, Chris Chapa, and new member Jonathan Wood.

Motion by Marvin Hug to accept October's Secretary Report, 2nd by Randy Buehrer with Motion passing after voice vote.

Motion by Steve Schlosser to accept October new member hold over applications of Jonathan Wood and Ashley Eberly, 2nd by Marvin Hug with Motion passing after voice vote.

President Jeremy Viers read the Treasurer's report as submitted by Treasure, Justin Coffman.  Chris Chapa added comments on that status of the Show Account, Cops with Kids program, and this year's solicitation efforts.  Motion by Steve Schlosser, 2nd by Steve Suchocki to accept treasurer's report with Motion passing after voice vote.

President Jeremy Viers reminded members that Solicitations have started but will pause during the Thanksgiving week and then resume for three more weeks.  December 18th is the projected date for gift cards to be handed out for the Cops with Kids program.  Currently, the plan is to let each Police Chief determine the best course of action in handing out the Wal-Mart and Pizza gift cards in their respective jurisdictions with best practices in mind related to Covid.

Reminder from President Jeremy Viers:  Dues will be sent in this coming week.  Members that have not submitted their dues will be dropped from membership and will need to re-apply to be considered a member in good standing.

Motion to adjourn by Gary Mohre, 2nd by Marvin Hug with motion passing after voice vote.

Minutes typed by Jeremy Viers, President

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