Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Meeting called to order by president Gale Horn. Members present: Jeff Arnold, Matt Arnold, Kevin Beck, Jennifer Bosiacki, Duaine Chuckney, Justin Coffman, Rachelle Delno, John Doseck, Matt Franzdorf, Steve Grimes, Darrelle Higbie, Nick Lanzer, Tim Livengood, Gary Mohr, Bill Noethen, Jim Snivley, Tom Szymczak, Jeremy Viers, Jim Walker, and Tyson Wasilewski Excused Members:  Randy Mohre, Jeff Ridgway, Mario Rodriguez. Treasurer’s report: (refer to hard copy of minutes) There is a state lodge board meeting on Jan 23rd at 1pm in Columbus, the capital city lodge in Westerville, if anyone is interested in attending. There is 2 weeks left of solicitations for shop with a cop. We are currently at 22,000.00, and we have 64 kids at this time, more kids are expected. Candy bags will be put together on the 11th at the church. Shop with a cop will be on the 12th at 0830am at Wal*mart. Lodge dues need to be paid and turned in to Jennifer Bosiacki, Bill Noethen, Jeremy Viers, or Gale Horn, ASAP. If you have not attended 5 meetings and or work details 50.00 is due if you have any questions or don’t know if you owe contact Jennifer Bosiacki. December 20th from 12 to 3 or 4 will be the grand kids/kids party at the lodge. Motion to adjourn J. Arnold and 2nd by J. Walker passed by voice vote. Jennifer L. BosiackiSecretary, FOP 181 - Back - |