Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Meeting called to order by President Jeremy Viers who also led the Pledge of Allegiance.

October Secretary report was not prepared to be accepted.

Treasure, Justin Coffman gave November Treasure's Report.  Motion by Steve Suchocki, 2nd by Terry Bartel to accept report with Motion passing after voice vote.  Hard copy attached.

A short discussion took place regarding the high cost of the Cops with Kids fundraising program but noted the solicitor rates are the best known current rate.

Jeremy Viers mentioned to members that a New Member Application was turned in by Gary Plotts, Chief of Edgerton Police.  No request for additional information so application will sit until next meeting to be voted on.

Jeremy Viers reminded members of the Cops with Kids date and locations.  For kids with special needs, the Bryan Rotary was asking to combine this event with the Board of Developmental Disabilities.  Jeremy Viers Motioned the give $500.00 to help the event take place, 2nd by Tom Szymczak with Motion passing after voice vote.
Jeremy Viers also Motioned to give $200.00 in pizza and gift cards to a family with three kids that just moved out of the shelter.  2nd by Tom Szymczak with Motion passing after voice vote.

Jeremy Viers asked about snow removal for winter this year.  Justin Coffman stated his father that is a neighbor to the Lodge would do it for $15.00 each time.  Motion by Justin Coffman, 2nd by Andy Skiles with Motion passing after voice vote.
A request for a donation for a pageant project to help police relations through a facebook, We got your six.  Discussion was tabled this year due to the late notice and wanting more information before given any donation.
The Pride of Williams County Pageant was looking for sponsors to help pay for event.  Motion by Marvin Hug to give $100.00 to pay the requested $50.00 donation and $25.00 entry fee per contestant.  2nd by Ed Biederstadt with Motion passing after voice vote.
Discussion regarding Taya from Montpelier who is going through a medical battle with cancer.  Motion by Andy Skiles to give $200.00, 2nd by Marvin Hug with Motion passing after voice vote.

Motion to adjourn by Ed Biederstadt, 2nd by Tyson Wasilewski with Motion passing after voice vote.

Minutes typed by Andy Skiles, Secretary

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