FOP 181 November Minutes November 22, 2016


Meeting called to order at 1900 by President Jeremy Viers, with the following members present:  Randy Buehrer, Fernando Chavez (Excused), Dan Cline, Matt Franzdorf, Steve Mendez, Jason Raymond, Steve Schlosser, Hayworth Treace, John Doseck, and Andy Skiles.

Jason Raymond made a motion to accept the previous minutes, 2nd by Steve Schlosser.  Motion passed after voice vote.

The lodge received a new member application from Jesse Barerra, an Officer with the Stryker Police Department until December then, he will be hired by the Bryan Police Department.  J.R. Treace made a motion to accept Jesse’s application, 2nd by Jason Raymond.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Old Business:
Jeremy Viers asked for volunteers for the Cops with Kids shopping event, saying the lodge was given a Santa suit.  Anyone who is interested in being Santa for the event, the lodge will pay them $200.00.

New Business:
Jeremy Viers made a motion that we find a family who struggling and support them for a Christmas project.  He would like to provide them with a gift certificate for a full meal and $100.00 per child.  He wishes to keep the family law enforcement related if possible.  Anyone who has someone in mind, please contact Jeremy Viers.  J.R. Treace 2nd the motion.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Jeremy then made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Jason Raymond.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Hayworth Treace, Secretary

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