Captain Custar FOP Lodge 181

Attendance: Terry Bartel, Jeff Arnold, John Doseck, Tom Szymczak, Matt Franzdorf, Justin Coffman, Matt Arnold, Darrell Higbie, Duane Cluckey, Randy Buehrer, Nick Lanzer, Jeremy Viers, JR Treace, Jereny Jones, Scott Boyd, Tyson Wasilewski, Steve Grimes, Chris Chapa, Steve Towns, Corey Nichols.

Treasury Report, entered and accepted
Motion to accept Tom Szymczak second - Darrell Higbie Passed

Minutes - passed

Old Business
Cops and Kids Dec. 03 0830 hrs. 72 Kids, Need helpers, Party afterwards at 10:30

Last Meeting Tabled the Swing set issue. Refurbished or buy a new one Go with refurbished for $300.00
Motion by Jeff Arnold, Second by Steve Towns Passed
Language on the purchase was based on continuing efforts of this lodge to suppor local business. We will purchase the swing set from Mr. Peters in the amount not to exceed $300,00.

Donate Railroad crossing sign to Montpelier School for the football field.
Motion by: Tom Szymczak, second by JR Treace Motion passed

Motion to adjorn by Jeff Arnold, Second by Darrell Higbie Motion passed

Min: Steve Towns, Sec.

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