Tuesday November 17, 2015

Meeting called to order by President Jeremy Viers, with the following members in attendance:
Jeremy Viers, John Doseck, JR Treace, Terry Bartel, Chris Chappa, Gary Mohre, Gale Horn, Tom Szymczak, Matt Franzdorf, Justin Garza, Jason Raymond, Andy Skiles, Ed Biederstedt, and Matt Krill, who was excused.

Pledge of Allegiance.

The lodge recognized Doug Baker for his twenty years of service with a plaque.

Tom Szymczak made a motion to accept the previous minutes, 2nd by Jason Raymond.  Motion passed.

Jeremy Viers presented the Treasurer’s report.  Jason Raymond made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report, 2nd by Tom Szymczak.  Motion passed.

Old Business:
Jeremy reminded everyone that on December 12, 2015, Shop with a Cop will be held at the Bryan Walmart at 0800.  There will be a pizza party afterwards at the Wesley United Methodist Church.

New Business:
Gary Mohre wanted to recognize the daughters of Matt Franzdorf and Gale Horn for their continued support and for participating in and being a part of all of the events held by the Lodge.  Gary motioned that we give both girls a gift card for $250.00, 2nd by Tom Szymczak.  Motion passed.  This money will be taken out of the account for Shop with a Cop.
Jeremy Viers made a motion that we give a $200.00 gas card to the family of Joe Wise (Archbold Chief of Police), who is in the hospital battling for his life after having a stroke.  2nd by Tom Szymczak.  Motion passed.
Jeremy Viers then presented a request from Bailey Jones, the Son of Chief Jeremy Jones of Edgerton Police Department, for a donation to help fund his trip to Ecuador.  Jeremy made the motion to donate $250.00, 2nd by Ed Biederstedt.  Motion passed.
Jeremy made another presented a letter from Debbie Gard, whose daughter was involved in an accident where her infant child was killed as a result.  He made a motion that we generate a letter and request that she come to the Shop with a Cop and bring all three of her remaining children.  2nd by Jason Raymond.  Motion passed.
Another request was made by Chris Chappa that we add the children of Erin Burdine to the Shop with a Cop list.  Erin recently committed suicide leaving her children behind.
Andy Skiles requested we make a donation to John Karacson, who has Cancer.  He stated they are selling arm bands and shirts to help raise money for John.  Chris Chappa made a motion that we donate $200.00 to John’s arm band fund, 2nd by Gary Mohre.  Motion passed.
Jeremy then made a motion to donate $100.00 per child for Christmas, to Officer Kirk Stickney, who is battling through his divorce, Tom Szymczak 2nd.  Motion passed.

Gale Horn made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Jason Raymond.  Motion passed.

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