Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Meeting called to order by Vice-President Jeremy Viers at the Lodge with the following members present:
Kevin Beck, Jennifer Bosiacki, Rachelle Delno, John Doseck, Matt Franzdorf, Mick Frisbie, Steve Grimes, Greg Harkey, Gale Horn, Marvin Hug, Matt Krill, Nick Lanzer, Gary Mohre, Randy Mohre, Bill Noethen, Jeff Ridgway, Jim Snivley, Tom Szymczak, Steve Towns, Matt Uran and Jim Walker.
Excused members were Steve Doctor, Matt Fedderke, Bill Hodapp, Mike Marchek, Stan Nihart, Kirk Stickney, Steve Suchocki, Leo York and Michelle Zimmann.

Motion by T. Szymczak, 2nd by G. Horn to accept the minutes of the last meeting as posted.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Treasurer’s report:  (refer to hard copy of minutes)
Motion by M. Krill, 2nd by J. Bosiacki to accept the treasurer’s report.  Motion passed after voice vote.

New members – for regular membership:  Steve Grimes, Bryan PD.  Motion by G. Horn, 2nd by J. Bosiacki to accept.  Motion passed after voice vote.  For honorary membership:  Nelson Carder and Dan Cline, Bryan PD Reserves.  Motion by J. Snivley, 2nd by M. Franzdorf to accept.  Motion passed after voice vote.

G. Ruskey has not met the new member criteria as he became a member in June 2008 and has not attended any meetings.  Motion by G. Horn, 2nd by J. Bosiacki to refund his $20 membership dues and drop him from the roster.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Treasurer B. Noethen reported the premium for the Lodge insurance was $1,054 and has been paid.

J. Viers reported we received a thank you and certificate from the Concerns for Police Survivors organization for our donation.

G. Mohre requested a donation to Scott Brout for his repair of the lodge BBQ as he did a good job and donated his time and material.  Motion by G. Horn, 2nd by R. Delno to donate $100.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Election of officers for 2009:
President:  S. Nihart and G. Horn.  Horn elected after secret ballot.
Vice-President:  J. Viers.  No other nominations, Viers by default.
Treasurer:  B. Noethen and J. Bosiacki.  Noethen elected after secret ballot.
Secretary:  J. Walker (declined) and J. Bosiacki.  No other nominations, Bosiacki by default.
Chaplin:  M. Krill.  No other nominations, Krill by default.
Historian:  R. Delno.  No other nominations, Delno by default.
Sergeant at Arms:  G. Mohre.  No other nominations, Mohre by default.
1 year Trustee (to fill Horn’s position):  M. Hug.  No other nominations, Hug by default.
3 tear Trustee:  M. Franzdorf.  No other nominations, Franzdorf by default.
Building Committee members continue:  K. Beck, G. Horn and J. Walker

Speaker Mike Watkins, 6th District FOP stated it’s not too late to be planning to attend the upcoming FOP conference to be held in Columbus this year.  Advised all members to submit their e-mail addresses to the State FOP to receive updates.  Reported the FOP is endorsing the National Photo Alert program which sends photos and information to cell phones and e-mail concerning runaways, missing elderly, etc.  Also, any requests by law enforcement can be sent out.  This program fills in where Amber Alert leaves off.  Cost for police departments is $50 per year.  He also explained why State FOP is not endorsing Issue 6 for the upcoming election concerning casinos.

There being no further business, motion by all members, 2nd by all members to adjourn.  Motion passed after voice vote.

James G. Walker
Secretary, FOP 181

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