Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Meeting called to order by President Stan Nihart at the Lodge with the following members present:
Jeff Arnold, Kevin Beck, Dan Griffin, Tracy Harding, Bill Hodapp, Matt Krill, Lee Lawrence, Carl Long, Mose Mohre, Bill Noethen, Colin Rose, Jason Shaffer, Jim Snivley, Steve Suchocki and Jim Walker.  Excused members were Greg Brillhart and Rachelle Walsh.

After the reading of the minutes of the last meeting, motion by M. Krill, 2nd by K. Beck to accept. Motion passed after voice vote.

Treasurer’s report:  (refer to hard copy of minutes)
Motion by S. Suchocki, 2nd by L. Lawrence to accept.  Motion passed after voice vote.

S. Suchocki reported he has checked various stores checking prices on bar stools.  He has been unable to find anything under $99.  Motion by J. Arnold, 2nd by S. Suchocki to purchase 6 black vinyl stools with backs from Current Office Solutions at $80 each.  Motion passed after voice vote.

S. Nihart reported a digital camera has been purchased for use by the Historian.

D. Griffin reported he is still waiting on Ferrell’s to move the trees.  They quoted their work at $35-40 per hour.

The membership then voted on the following amendments to the By-Laws:

Should any member reveal, outside the membership, the discussion involving an applicant during the course of a meeting, the member revealing the information will be terminated as a member of the Lodge if deemed necessary after investigation.  Also, voting shall be done by secret ballot as opposed to voice vote when voting on applicants.
To assign addition as Section I (a) of Article XII (Expulsion of Members):
Motion to accept assignment: J. Arnold,  2nd: B. Noethen      Accepted

Expulsion of Members
Section I (a):  Should any member reveal, outside the membership, the discussion involving an applicant during the course of a meeting, the member revealing the information will be terminated as a member of the Lodge if deemed necessary after investigation by the Lodge Trustees.  Also, voting shall be done by secret ballot as opposed to voice vote when voting on applicants.
To accept change to Section I (a) of Article XII:
Motion to accept addition: B. Noethen,  2nd: L. Lawrence      Accepted

Lodge Officers
Section I.  The officers of this Lodge shall be known as the Executive Board and shall be comprised as follows:
President                              Immediate Past President                       Vice President
Recording Secretary           Treasurer                                                  Sgt. At Arms
Chaplin                                 Trustees (3)                                              Historian
To add position of Historian to Section I of Article IV:
Motion to accept addition: S. Suchocki,  2nd: K. Beck      Accepted

Nominations for Election
Section I.  Nominations for election to office shall be made every year at the regular meeting in (November) October.
To change November to October in Section I of Article VI:
Motion to accept change: J. Shaffer,  2nd: J. Arnold      Accepted

Section II.  A nominee who is present at the regular meeting in (November) October must accept or decline the nomination at the time of his/her nomination.
To change November to October in Section II of Article VI:
Motion to accept change: J. Snivley,  2nd: J. Shaffer      Accepted

Election of Officers
Section I.  Election of officers shall be held every year at the regular meeting in (November) October.
To change November to October in Section I of Article VII:
Motion to accept change: L. Lawrence,  2nd: S. Suchocki      Accepted

Duties of Officers
Section VII. - Trustees:  It shall be the duty of the Trustees to care for and hold in trust for the Lodge all stocks, securities, and property of the Lodge.  They shall invest the funds of the Lodge as in their judgment shall be deemed for the best interest of the Lodge, upon approval of two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present and voting.  Until such funds are invested, they shall be kept deposited in a bank selected for that purpose.  They shall designate the amount of bond required for the Treasurer and other officers of the lodge.  They shall see that the books of the Treasurer are audited annually and at any other time that they feel it is deemed necessary for the best interest of the Lodge.  For just cause, they may be requested by the President of the State or Grand Lodge, to give a full account of all money received, expended, or invested, and shall from time to time and at the close of their term of office, make a full report in writing to the Lodge of all business transacted by them as Trustees.  The Trustees shall also serve as the ‘Constitution & By-Laws Committee’ of the Lodge with the current one (1) year trustee acting as Chairman.
To add Committee designation in Section VII of Article VIII:
Motion to accept addition: K. Beck,  2nd: B. Noethen      Accepted

Section IX. - Historian:  It shall be the duty of the Historian to care for all photographs and newspaper articles of Lodge activities.  The Historian shall maintain these items in a book in such a manner as to be able to present them along with names and dates for future members to identify and understand the history of this lodge and it’s members.
To add Section IX of Article VIII description of Historian:
Motion to accept addition: M. Krill,  2nd: J. Arnold      Accepted

Constitution and By-Laws Committee
Section II.  The Constitution and By-Laws Committee shall consist of (three (3) members in good standing) the currently serving Trustees with the current one (1) year Trustee acting as Chairman.
To change to Appoint Trustees as Committee in Section II of Article XVIII:
Motion to accept change: K. Beck,  2nd: J. Snivley      Accepted

Election of officers for 2004:

L. Lawrence nominated S. Nihart
No further nominations, Nihart elected by default.

S. Suchocki nominated J. Shaffer
C. Long nominated D. Griffin
L. Lawrence nominated B. Noethen who declined the nomination
No further nominations, a secret ballot was taken resulting in a tie vote.  Griffin elected after coin toss.

B. Noethen nominated J. Walker
No further nominations, Walker elected by default.

J. Arnold nominated C. Rose
No further nominations, Rose elected by default.

Sergeant at Arms:
B. Noethen nominated J. Shaffer
No further nominations, Shaffer elected by default.

J. Arnold nominated R. Walsh
No further nominations, Walsh elected by default.

K. Beck nominated M. Krill
No further nominations, Krill elected by default.

3 year Trustee:
J. Walker nominated B. Noethen
J. Shaffer nominated C. Long
S. Nihart nominated J. Arnold who declined the nomination
S. Nihart nominated L. Lawrence
No further nominations, Long elected after secret ballot.
(2 yr Trustee: Kevin Beck, 1 yr Jim Snivley)

J. Shaffer reported he will be attending the FOP Polar Bear Plunge again and requested a donation from the Lodge.  Motion by J. Arnold, 2nd by K. Beck to donate $250.  Motion passed after voice vote.

S. Suchocki asked the membership about sending something to the family of the Bremen police officer killed in the fatal crash outside of Butler, IN on behalf of the Lodge.  M. Krill is to determine if the family has a memorial fund set up.  Further discussion was tabled until the next meeting.

S. Nihart led some discussion on the upcoming and future October Fests.

M. Mohre reported he will be donating the hamburgers and buns for this years October Fest.

S. Nihart reported we will be holding a Honor’s Banquet for retired officers this spring.

There being no further business, motion by S. Suchocki, 2nd by M. Krill to adjourn.  Motion passed after voice vote.

James G. Walker
Secretary, FOP 181

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