Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Meeting called to order by Sgt. at Arms, Gary Mohre who also led the Pledge of Allegiance.  The following members were in attendance:  Ed Biederstedt, Scott Boyd, Randy Buehrer, Justin Coffman, Steve Mendez, Josh Mercer, Jason Raymond, Steve Schlosser, Andy Skiles, Steve Suchocki, Jeremy Viers, Tyson Wasilewski, Tracy Williamson, Terry Bartel, Marvin Hug, Gary Mohre, Tom Szymczak and Jim Walker.  Matt Krill and Kevin Beck called in that both were working and couldn't attend meeting.

Motion by Randy Buehrer to accept September Secretary Report, 2nd by Steve Schlosser with Motion passing after voice vote.

Treasure, Justin Coffman gave October Treasure's Report.  Motion by Jason Raymond, 2nd by Tyson Wasilewski to accept treasurer's report with Motion passing after voice vote.  Hard copy attached.

Applications for New Membership were received by Jonathan Wood from Stryker and Ashley Eberly from Edgerton.  Members present didn't feel it necessary for additional information and applications will be held for one month.


Justin Coffman returned with a quote for new roof on garage.  Motion by Jim Walker, 2nd by Marvin Hug to have new shingles on roof this year.  Motion passed after voice vote.
Jeremy Viers notified members that the Lodge was being offered a ticket by the Friends of the NRA for a Raffle.  Motion by Scott Boyd to purchase one ticket at $100.00, 2nd by Jason Raymond with motion passing after voice vote.  Secretary Andy Skiles put his name on the ticket as a contact person for the Lodge.
Jeremy Viers advised that due to Covid, gift cards may be the easiest as far as Cops with Kids for Christmas.  Motion by Jeremy Viers, 2nd by Steve Suchocki to purchase gift cards and work with the schools on identification of student that could receive them.  Motion passed after voice vote.
Due to no Lodge Raffle this year, Jeremy Viers made a Motion that students that complete the application would qualify for the scholarship.  Steve Schlosser 2nd the motion with it passing after voice vote.

Justin Coffman nominated Jeremy Viers for President, Scott Boyd 2nd.
Gary Mohre nominated Tom Szymczak for Vice President, Marvin Hug 2nd.
Tom Szymscak nominated Andy Skiles for Secretary, Steve Schlosser 2nd.
Jason Raymond nominated Justin Coffman for Treasurer, Tom Szymczak 2nd.
Jim Walker nominated Gary Mohre for Sgt. at Arms, Tyson Wasilewski 2nd.
Tom Szymczak nominated Matt Krill as Chaplin, Gary Mohre 2nd and it had previously discussed with Matt he would continue in that position.
Gary Mohre nominated Steve Schlosser for Historian, Jeremy Viers 2nd.
Tom Szymczak nominated Ed Biederstedt for 3 year Trustee, Viers 2nd.
Stan Nihart would move to 2 year Trustee and JR Treace would move to 1 year Trustee.
Jeremy Viers made a Motion to close election, 2nd by Andy Skiles with Motion passing after voice vote.

2021 Lodge Officers:
President             Jeremy Viers, Bryan PD
Vice President    Tom Szymczak, Edon PD
Treasurer            Justin Coffman, Edgerton PD
Secretary            Andy Skiles, Williams County Prosecutor's Office
Sgt. at Arms       Gary Mohre, Blakeslee PD
Chaplin              Matt Krill, Edgerton PD
Historian            Steve Schlosser, Stryker PD
3 Year Trustee    Ed Biederstedt, Ohio BCI
2 Year Trustee    Stan Nihart, Life
1 Year Trustee    JR Treace, Stryker PD

Motion to adjourn by Jason Raymond, 2nd by Steve Suchocki with motion passing after voice vote.

Minutes typed by Andy Skiles, Secretary

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