Tuesday October 27, 2015

Meeting called to order by President Jeremy Viers with the following members in attendance:
Scott Boyd, Randy Buehrer, Matt Franzdorf, Gale Horn, Matt Krill, Steve Schlosser, Steve Suchocki, Hayworth Treace, Jeremy Viers, Tyson Wasilewski, Terry Bartel, John Doseck, Gary Mohre, Stan Nihart, Jim Walker, Jason Raymond, Jim Foltz and Fernando Chavez.

A motion was made to accept the previous minutes by Jason Raymond, 2nd by Jim Foltz.  Motion Passed

The treasure's report was then given by Stan Nihart.  A motion was made by Gale Horn to accept the treasure's report, 2nd by Terry Bartel.  Motion passed.

Old Business:
Steve Schlosser wanted to report that the FOP softball team took third place this year for the season.
The Cop's With Kids event will be held on December 12, 2015 this year at the Bryan Walmart.  Officer's are asked to be present by 0800.  There will be a sign in sheet so you can be credited for your attendance.

New Business:
Jeremy Viers made everyone aware that the fire extinguishers needed to be checked and recertified.  Jason Raymond stated he would take responsibility for this task.
Jeremy presented a bill for $168.00 from Buehrer's Power Equipment for the installation of a jack and mower blades for the lawn mower.  Jason Raymond made a motion to pay the bill, 2nd by Steve Schlosser.  Motion passed.
Jeremy presented a request from Randy Priest at Power's and Sons for a $50.00 donation to the fifth annual Rail Yard Run held at the fairgrounds in November.  Jeremy made a motion to make the donation of $50.00, 2nd by Randy Buehrer.  Motion passed.
Stan Nihart made a motion to have a plaque made for Doug Baker as he has been the person in charge of the Cops with Kids program for the last 20 years; and to also make Doug an Honorary Member in our lodge.  Motion 2nd by Scott Boyd, Motion passed.
Jeremy made a change of date for Novembers FOP meeting from the 24th to the 17th.  On the 17th, we will present the plaque to Doug in appreciation for his services.
Stan Nihart presented a quote to have security locks on the back door to the lodge and on the garage door.  Jim Walker made a motion to accept the quote to have the doors done up to the amount of $3500.00.  Steve Schlosser 2nd the motion.  Motion passed.
Jim made another motion for the lodge to issue the key fobs to the members, however, if the fob is lost, the member is responsible for a fee of $12.00 to replace the lost fob and purchase a new one.  The fobs cost $6.00 a piece.  Motion passed
Jeremy discussed the members that still needed to attend meetings or events to be in good standing with the lodge.

President Jeremy Viers
Vice President Matt Franzdorf
Secretary Hayworth Treace
Treasurer Stan Nihart
Sgt. at Arms Gary Mohre
Chaplain Matt Krill
Historian Gale Horn
3 Year Trustee Steve Schlosser
2 Year Trustee Terry Bartel
1 Year Trusteee Justin Coffman

Motion made by Matt Krill to Adjourn, 2nd by Steve Suchocki.  Meeting adjourned

Secretary Hayworth Treace

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