Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Meeting called to order by president Jeremy Viers at the lodge with the following members present: Matt Arnold, Ryan Baird, Kevin Beck, Scott Boyd, Chris Chappa, Duiane Cluckey, Rachelle Delno, Matt Franzdorf, Steve Grimes, Tracy Harding, Jennifer Hern, Darrell Higbie, Bill Hodapp, Gale Horn, Matt Krill, Nick Lanzer, Tim Livengood, Gary Mohre, Randy Mohre, Bill Noethen, Stan Nihart, Jeff Ridgway, Jim Snivley, Tom Szymczak, Todd Trego, Jeremy Viers, Jim Walker, Tyson Wasilewski, Paul Zawodney and Michelle Zimmann. Excused members were Jennifer Bosiacki, Matt Fedderke, Dan Griffin, Jeremy Jones, Mike Marchek, Jason Shaffer, Kirk Stickney, Steve Towns and Leo York. Motion by G. Mohre, 2nd by T. Livengood to accept the minutes of the last 2 meetings as posted. Motion passed after voice vote. Treasurer’s report: (refer to hard copy of minutes) Motion by G. Mohre, 2nd by G. Horn to accept new members Joseph Greer, Shelly Ledyard and Sam Yoh. Motion passed after voice vote. Report from Raffle: (refer to hard copy of minutes) Motion by C. Chappa, 2nd by T. Szymczak to send a thank you note to Bert Oberlin, Tammy Varner, Tom and Rita Baird, Mike Tusko, Bill Retcher and Tommy Molitierno for all the help and time they put into the Reverse Raffle. Motion passed by voice vote. Motion by S. Nihart, 2nd by G. Horn to not use the Reverse Raffle account to pay out scholarships until the year 2012. The money will be used to fund the raffle next year. Motion passed after voice vote. M. Arnold wants to thank everyone for all the help on this years Golf Outing. The outing made a profit of $1312 that was put into the Tara Arnold account. Gold Outing for 2011 will be June 11, 2011 at the Suburban Golf Course. A rain date will be set at a later date. G. Mohre requested that the trustees meet and look at the section dealing with Lifetime membership to change it to state 25 years of service. Trustees are to meet and make recommendation on it at next meeting so it can be read three times then it will be up for membership vote. Elections of officers were done with the results being: There being no further business, motion by T. Szymczak, 2nd by G. Horn to adjourn. Motion passed after voice vote. Rachelle M. DelnoSecretary, FOP 181 - Back - |