Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Meeting called to order by Secretary Jim Walker at the Lodge with the following members present:
Jeff Arnold, Roger Brown, Steve Doctor, Dan Griffin, Tracy Harding, Matt Krill, Bill Noethen, Jeff Priester, Steve Suchocki and Jeremy Viers.  Excused members were Kevin Beck, Greg Brillhart, Rachelle Delno, Stan Nihart, Jason Shaffer and Jim Snivley.

Motion by S. Suchocki, 2nd by R. Brown to accept the minutes of the last meeting as posted.  Motion passed after voice vote.

No Treasurer’s report as Treasurer not present although J. Arnold did report on the Show Account.

An update was given on the building addition noting that all the wiring is done except for hanging inside and outside lights which will be completed once the ceiling and siding is done.

J. Viers reported that as we are a 501.3C tax-exempt organization, we are eligible to hold Texas Hold ‘Em Tournaments to raise funds.  He reported that we can hold up to two (2) tournaments per year. After discussion, it was decided to table any action until the next meeting.

Reminder that the ‘Cops with Kids’ will be held on Saturday, December 17, 2005 with the party afterwards at Wesley Church in Bryan.

It was reported the Lodge US flag is in bad shape and needs to be replaced.  J. Arnold volunteered to check with the Bryan Legion to get a new one.

A letter was received from Ptlm. C. Nichols asking for a donation for a new K-9 for Bryan PD.  Motion by J. Arnold, 2nd by R. Brown to donate $300.  Motion passed after voice vote.

New membership applications were reviewed for Mike Willis, Bryan PD; Jeff Priester, Pioneer PD; Kirk Stickney and Tom Szymczak, both from Edon PD.  Motion by J. Arnold, 2nd by M. Krill to accept them all.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Election of Lodge Officers for 2006:

President:  J. Arnold nominated Stan Nihart.  No further nominations, Stan by default.

Vice President:  S. Suchocki nominated Jason Shaffer.  No further nominations, Jason by default.

Secretary:  J. Arnold nominated Jim Walker.  No further nominations, Jim by default.

Treasurer:  M. Krill nominated Colin Rose.  No further nominations, Colin by default.

Chaplin:  S. Suchocki nominated Matt Krill.  No further nominations, Matt by default.

Sgt at Arms:  B. Noethen nominated Steve Suchocki; S. Suchocki nominated Steve Doctor.  After a secret ballot, Steve Suchocki was elected.

Historian:  Jeff Arnold nominated Rachelle Delno.  No further nominations, Rachelle by default.

3 year Trustee:  Dan Griffin and Jeremy Viers were nominated.  After a secret ballot, Jeremy Viers was elected.  (2 year Trustee is Greg Brillhart; 1 year Trustee is Bill Noethen)

Building Committee will remain Kevin Beck, Colin Rose and Jim Walker.

There being no further business, motion by J. Arnold, 2nd by S. Suchocki to adjourn.  Motion passed after voice vote.

James G. Walker
Secretary, FOP 181

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