Meeting for Captain Costar FOP Lodge 181
Minutes for October 24 2011 Attendance: Justin Garza, Duane Cluckey, Darrell Higbie, Steve Grimes, Jeff Arnold, Chris Chapa, Matt Krill, Gary Mohre, Ken Jacob, Justin Coffman, Randy Mohre, Matt Fransdorf, Paul Zawadny, Dave Bueher, JR Jones, Dan Mcgee, Stan Nihart, Jeremy Viers and Steve Towns. Motion to accept minutes and treasury report- Arnold -2nd Krill Raffle - Liquor bottles donated for auction - $2,500.00 Plus initial funds. Hoping for $8,000 in account when finished. Plaque for Eagles donating the hall cost. Discussion on DJ and how to pay for services. New Members- Steve Schlosser and Hayworth Trease. Motion to accept: Jeff Arnold, second by Justin Coffman. People getting fraudulent calls of shop with kids. Attorney General called in to investigate. Article in paper Cops and Kids 2752 E. Center St. North Kingsville, Ohio. Purchased tickets for Montpelier Civic League. Two tickets $100.00 - Motion by Chappa Second by Arnold. Passed. FOP signs gone – Franz Karate – donated $200.00 for tornoment. Motion Stan, second by Towns. Motion to recondition swing set - discussion on buying new or having Peter’s recondition. Tabled. Committee for swing set - Cluckey / Trease/ Mcgee Zawadny - Historian Trustee’s - Higbee, Arnold, motion by Dave Bureher second Auction of Railroad signal. Motion to adjourn, Arnold, second r. Mohre -passed - Back - |