FOP Captain Custar Lodge 181 Oct. 23, 2012 Terry Bartel, Steve Schlosser, Matt Franzdorf, Justin Coffman, Jeff Arnold, Paul Zawodny, Bill Nothen, Matt Krill, Gary Mohre, Gale Horn, John Doseck, Greg Ruskey, Steve Mendez, JR Trease, Chris Chappa, Michelle Zimmann, Ken Jacob, Mic Frisbe, Dan McGee, Stan Nihart, Jeremy Veirs, Steve Towns, Steve Grimes, Randy Mohre, Darrell Higbe, Jim Walker. Min. for Sept. accepted Matt Krill motion and Gary Mohre Second - Passed Tres. Report - Motion to accept - Gale Horn second - Jeff Arnold - Passed New Members - None Old Business - Feeny Thank you New Account at Big C. Lodge Raffle $7700.00 Profit - Total expense little difference - Amount in account $20,129.00 still need to pay $1,019.54 Cops with Kids Dec. 15th 0830 starts 0900 1030 Pizza Party November Solicitations start - OTMC Motion to authorize Jeff Arnold, Second Bill Nothen Passed New Business - Neighbors in Need - Food Pantry - No Motion Ryan Baird Paid $50.00 dues. Officers for the year 2013. Gale Horn - Motion to adjourn - Second by Matt Krill Passed. Steve Towns - Back - |