Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Meeting called to order by President Stan Nihart at Lodge with the following members present: Motion by K. Beck, 2nd by J. Viers to accept the minutes of the last meeting as posted. Motion passed after voice vote. Treasurers report: no report as the treasurer not present due to pneumonia All present thanked Roger Brown and Tracy Harding for a job well done planning the Octoberfest held last Saturday night. New members: S. Nihart stated that any member that has not paid their dues by this meeting will be dropped from the membership per the letter that was sent. The retirement banquet committee is to begin planning for a banquet in 2008, preferably March or April. Election of officers for 2008: Building Committee remains Kevin Beck, Colin Rose and Jim Walker There being no further business, motion by M. Krill, 2nd by J. Viers to adjourn. Motion passed after voice vote. James G. Walker - Back - |