Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Meeting called to order by President Jeremy Viers who also led the Pledge of Allegiance.  The following members were in attendance:  Ryan Axle, Ben Baldwin, Ed Biederstedt, Scott Boyd, Chris Chapa, Justin Coffman, Ken Jacob, Michelle Jacob, Matt Krill, Paul McCord, Steve Mendez, Kyle Miller, Jason Raymond, Greg Ruskey, Steve Schlosser, Andy Skiles, Steve Towns, Jeremy Viers, Terry Bartel, Kevin Beck, Stan Nihart, Tom Szymczak, and Paul Zawodny.

Motion by Jason Raymond, 2nd by Justin Coffman to accept minutes as posted on website.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Motion by Matt Krill, 2nd by Paul Zawodny to accept Treasures report submitted by Stan Nihart.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Jeremy Viers advised that Bryan Eagles and Susie’s are reserved for 2020 FOP Raffle.
Ed Biederstedt reported he attended a 98.1 iHeart Christmas for Kids event.
Jeremy Viers reminded members the popcorn machine was ready and available to be used.
Chris Chapa advised there will be a breakfast meeting December 14, 2019 at 7:45 at Bryan PD prior to officers going to Walmart for Shop with a Cop.  The kids enjoy this event and members helping will be given credit for a work day.  A date has not been set for kids with disabilities.
Jeremy Viers reminded that the annual solicitation for donations is about to begin.  Motion by Jason Raymond, 2nd by Greg Ruskey to continue with same solicitor.  Motion passed after voice vote.
Motion by Terry Bartel, 2nd by Paul Zawodny to accept applications for new members, John Rathke with Bryan PD, Jonathan Roberts with Pioneer PD, and Logan Clevidence with Stryker PD.  Motion passed after voice vote.  Each member was present and introduced themselves and their work experience.
Two applications were turned in however the applicants were not present.
Greg Ruskey questioned if the current process of accepting new members was following the bylaws.  Discussion continued by Jeremy Viers that he remembered a motion presented and passed to allow the process to be flexible due to working schedules.  Andy Skiles will research minutes to try to find the motion.  Jeremy Viers indicated the Trustees should meet and discuss the new member voting process and respond to the members if a different process should be discussed.
Motion by Stan Nihart, 2nd by Justin Coffman to continue with the current application and voting process for new members until the Trustees can meet to discuss if changes need to be made.  Motion passed after voice vote.
Jeremy Viers has 4 tickets still available for the Veteran’s Ball November 9, 2019.
Stan Nihart advised that the Boots and Bowties for Books event is scheduled for March 7, 2020.  In the past, the Lodge has donated to this event that helps United Way raise money for the Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library.  This event is open for the public to attend and the flier will be left at the lodge if Lodge members are interested.

Jeremy Viers reminded members of meeting requirements and yearly dues if not able to attend or attend work days.  Dues are $50.00 and should be paid before next meeting for members short.
Jeremy Viers asked for a Motion to move Dan Cline from Active to an Honorary Member.  Motion by Steve Schlosser, 2nd by Steve Mendez to move Dan Cline to status of Honorary Member.  Motion passed after voice vote.
Jeremy Viers asked if Mick Frisbie can be moved to a Deceased Life Member to allow his kids to continue to apply for the college scholarship if interested.  Motion by Paul McCord, 2nd by Justin Coffman and motion was passed after voice vote.
Jeremy Viers advised of $300.00 he received for Mick Frisbie’s memorial.  Motion by Kyle Miller, 2nd by Steve Schlosser to approve this and any future money received for this purpose to be given directly to Austin and Allie Frisbie.  Motion passed after voice vote.
Greg Ruskey asked about giving money for gas card to Gary Mohre due to his injury and him still not able to work.  Motion by Justin Coffman, 2nd by Matt Krill to give $200.00 for extra expenses.  Chris Chapa asked if the Lodge should set a specific amount but that will be discussed and voted when or if the need arises.  Motion for $200.00 was passed after voice vote.
Justin Coffman advised of old and possibly donated items to the Lodge that should be either returned or thrown away.  Tom Szymczak also advised the original folding chairs that should be replaced due to poor condition.  Motion by Ed Biederstedt, 2nd by Michelle Jacob to dispose the items and for Ed Biederstedt to spend around $500.00 for new chairs.  Discussion about the type and amount of chairs and to possibly rent out in the future.  Motion passed after voice vote.
Andy Skiles advised that George Harris passed away.  He was a former U.S. Veteran and EMT for both Williams and Defiance Counties and married to Jacque Harris, retired Victim Advocate.  Jeremy Viers said he would get something to Jacque on behalf of the Lodge.

Andy Skiles nominated Jeremy Viers for President with no other nominations.  Justin Coffman nominated Tom Szymczak for Vice President and Chris Chapa nominated Greg Ruskey for VP.  Tom Szymczak was elected as VP through a secret paper vote.  Nomination by Tom Szymczak for Justin Coffman for Treasurer with no other nominations.  Jeremy Viers nominated Andy Skiles as Secretary with no other nominations.  Jeremy Viers nominated Gary Mohre as Sergeant at Arms with no other nominations.  Jeremy Viers also nominated Matt Krill for Chaplin with no other nominations.  Jeremy Viers nominated Paul Zawodny for Historian with no other nominations.  Stan Nihart accepted the nomination from Jeremy Viers as 3 Year Trustee with no other nominations.  JR Treace would be moved to 2 year Trustee and Randy Buehrer to 1 year Trustee in 2020.  All positions were accepted with no additional discussion and passed after voice vote.  Jeremy Viers asked to close election.  Motion by Paul McCord, 2nd by Steve Schlosser with motion passed after voice vote.

2020 – Lodge Officers:
President               Jeremy Viers, Bryan PD
Vice President      Tom Szymczak, Edon PD
Treasurer              Justin Coffman, Edgerton PD
Secretary               Andy Skiles, Williams County Prosecutor’s Office
Sgt. at Arms          Gary Mohre, Blakeslee PD
Chaplin                  Matt Krill, Edgerton PD
Historian                Paul Zawodny, Bryan PD
3 Year Trustee      Stan Nihart, Bryan PD
2 Year Trustee      JR Treace, Stryker PD
1 Year Trustee      Randy Buehrer, Montpelier PD

Motion to adjourn by Jason Raymond, 2nd by Terry Bartel.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Minutes typed by:  Andy Skiles, Secretary

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