Captain Custar FOP Lodge 181 meeting 10/22/2013

Members:  Gary Mohre, Tom Szymczak, Tim Livengood, John Doseck, JR Jones, Matt Franzdorf, Randy Buehrer, Jeremy Viers, Stan Nihart, Steve Towns, Terry Bartell, Gale Horn.  Ruskey, Chappa, Stickney working unable to attend.

Motion to accept mins. to last meeting:  Tim Livengood, Terry Bartell second - Passed

No Tres. report.

Guest:  Mike Watkins - Lima 6th District rep. and Dan Wright FOPA trustee.  Wanted to talk about an FOP auxiliary group for our lodge.  It was started in the 1940's and you need ten members to start.  No set meeting dates and spouses can be involved.

Old Business:  All raffle bills are in we brought in over $7,000.00 and the motion to pay the last $1059.95 out of the FOP regular checking was made by Stan Nihart and second by Tim Livengood.  It passed.  The next raffle will be Oct. 04th 2014.

Awards and retirement banquet April 12th 2014.  FOP will pay for all retirees and their spouses, the cost for meal will be $12.00.

New Business:  Motion made that in 2014 for scholarship funds to go to your child you would have to help Stan with the raffle.  Motion by Jeremy Viers, Second by Steve Towns  Passed.

New Officers;  Viers was unopposed, Franzdorf was nominated for Vice President by Gary Mohre and Second by Gale Horn passed.
Then Stan Nihart was nominated for Tres. by Tom Szymczak and Second by Gary Mohre.  Passed.

Officers:     Pres.: Jeremy Viers            Sgt. at Arms: Gary Mohre
                    V.P.: Matt Franzdorf          Chaplin: Matt Krill
                    Sec.: Steve Towns
                    Tres.: Stan Nihart              Historian: Paul Zawodny

Trustees: 1 year: Tim Livengood
                  2 year: Tom Szymczak
                  3 year: Justin Coffman

Motion to accept by Stan Nihart and Second by Randy Buehrer,  passed.

Motion to adjourn:  by JR Jones, Second by Tim Livengood.  Passed.

Sec. Steve Towns

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