Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Meeting called to order by Sgt. at Arms, Gary Mohre who also led the Pledge of Allegiance.  The following members were in attendance:  Ed Biederstedt, Scott Boyd, Randy Buehrer, Justin Coffman, Matt Krill, Steve Schlosser, Andy Skiles, Steve Suchocki, Jeremy Viers, Terry Bartel, Gary Mohre, Tom Szymczak and Jim Walker.  Jeremy Viers reported that Tyson Wasilewski called in that he was working.

Motion by Steve Suchocki to accept September Secretary Report, 2nd by Steve Schlosser with Motion passing after voice vote.

Treasure, Justin Coffman gave September Treasure's Report.  Motion by Matt Krill, 2nd by Terry Bartel to accept treasurer's report with Motion passing after voice vote.  Hard copy attached.


Jeremy Viers updated members about Fernando Chavez's update and return to work.  Motion by Jim Walker, to give Fernando a $50.00 gas card, 2nd by Andy Skiles with Motion passing after voice vote.
Jeremy Viers also updated that Steve Doctor's daughter was healing well and he appreciated the money for expenses.
Jeremy Viers again reminded membership of needing someone to help take care of grounds during summer and winter.  It was talked about to have a Building and Grounds Committee to be appointed to help care for the property.  It was also discussed that there should be a signup sheet for members to be on a rotating basis to check and mow the grass as needed.  Justin Coffman will be getting a quote on snow removal and report it to membership in October.
Conversation was held about the Cops with Kids program leadership position this year.  Chris Chapa is still on leave so a decision to table the decision was made to wait another month regarding Chapa's final decision by city council.  Motion by Steve Schlosser to appoint the member to take over leadership was Cops with Kids if Chapa continues to be on leave, 2nd by Gary Mohre.
Jeremy Viers reported the amount of the Tara Arnold Scholarship to be turned over to the Bryan Area Foundation (BAF).  Motion by Jim Walker to fund the difference, 2nd by Scott Boyd with Motion passing after voice vote.
Motion by Gary Mohre to have Pool Tax Service take care of the Lodge's tax responsibility, 2nd by Steve Suchocki with Motion passing after voice vote.
Tom Szymczak wanted members to know that he and several other current members are trained for Critical Incident Response Services (CIRS).  He and the others are available if needed by any citizen or officer in the county due to a stressful situation to help with coping.
Motion by Jim Walker to continue to have Ney Oil continue with gas delivery, 2nd by Matt Krill with Motion passing after voice vote.

Motion to adjourn by Gary Mohre, 2nd by Steve Schlosser with Motion passing after voice vote.

Minutes typed by Andy Skiles, Secretary

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