FOP 181 Meeting September 27, 2016

1900 – Meeting called to order by President Jeremy Viers with the following members present:  Ed Biederstedt, Scott Boyd, Dan Cline, Justin Coffman, Justin Garza, Gale Horn, Matt Krill, Nick lanzer, Jason Raymond, Steve Schlosser, Steve Suchocki, Hayworth Treace, Tyson Wasilewski, Terry Bartel, John Doseck, Gary Mohre, Tom Szymczak, Jim Walker, and Andy Skiles.


No Treasurer’s report

New Member Melvin Alexander (Edgerton PD) recommended by Steve Suchocki.  A motion was made by Scott Boyd to accept Melvin, 2nd by Matt Krill.  Motion passed by voice vote.

Old Business:
Jeremy Viers reminded everyone about the FOP reverse raffle coming up in October.
Jeremy also stated that the pizza dinner for the Christmas for kids will not be at the normal church however, it will be at the Church of the Nazarene.
Justin Coffman and Jim Walker were happy to say that the Sheriff’s Dept’s rescue boat was complete and was out for display at the Williams County Fair.

WSCO Dive Team Motor   WSCO Dive Team Thanks You   WSCO Dive Team Boat

New Business:
Gary Mohre requested the lodge donate $250.00 to the Edon Boy Scouts for their annual haunted forest.  Tom Szymczak made a motion to accept the donation, 2nd by Matt Krill.  Motion passed by voice vote.
Jeremy Viers thanked Jim Walker for his Thin Blue Line Flag he made and donated to the lodge.
Jeremy Viers made a motion to auction off the lodges BBQ Roaster because it is rusted and very out dated, or just give it to a lodge member.  Justin Coffman made a bid of $50.00 after a small discussion about scrapping it and returning the money to the lodge.  Tom Szymczak made a motion to accept the $50.00 bid from Justin, 2nd by Matt Krill.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Jim Walker made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Matt Krill.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Hayworth Treace, Secretary

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