Tuesday, September 27th, 2011
Meeting called to order by President Jeremy Viers at the Lodge with the following members present:
Nick Lanzer, Ken Jacob, Roger Brown, Dan Cline, Jeremy Viers, Scott Boyd, Tyson Wasilewski, Dan McGee, Tim Livengood, John Doseck, Matthew Krill, Jim Walker, Gale Horn,
Matt Franzdorf, Steve Grimes, Randy Buehrer, Justin Coffman, and Darrell Higbie.
Excused members are: Steve Towns, Stan Nihart, Jennifer Hern, Terry Bartell Corey Bush, Greg Rusky, Terry Bartell, and Andy Colbert.
Motion by Tim Livengood, 2nd by Jeff Arnold to accept the minutes of the last meeting as presented. Motion passed after voice vote.
Treasurer’s report: (refer to hard copy submitted by Treasure Dan McGee)
Motion by Matthew Krill, 2nd by Tim Livengood to accept the Treasurer’s report. Motion passed after voice vote.
“Cops with Kids” Christmas program will be at the Bryan Wal-Mart on Friday, December 9th. Officers’ are to be at Wal-Mart at 8:30 am. Jeff Arnold explained
the selection process. Names of kids are submitted by area schools. Officers’ can also submit names to Jeff Arnold ASAP. Pizza Party with Santa to
follow at the Wesley United Methodist Church in Bryan.
Williams County Commissioner’s approved the use of the Courthouse lawn for the 911 memorial service but we didn’t get the approval till after the 11th.
Senate Bill 5 / Issue 2 was discussed by President Jeremy Viers. The State Lodge is not producing signs. Current yard signs are $10 each. The headquarters
for NW Ohio is in Lima and Defiance has an Office down town for phone and door to door workers. All members are challenged to talk with 5 people every week about
SB5/Issue 2. Additional information available at: www.weareohio.com; www.saveohiofirefightersandcops.com; and www.angrybuckeyes.com; www.ProtectOhioProtectors.org;
www.fopvotes.org, and as always you can get information at the State FOP web page at www.fopohio.org.
Motion by Jeff Arnold, 2nd by Roger Brown two purchase 70 yard signs against SB5/Issue 2. President Jeremy Viers volunteered to make purchase. Motion passed
after voice vote.
Steve Mendez invited members to help celebrate his marriage to Heather Dye. Reception on October 1st, 7:00 pm at Orchard Hills Country Club in Bryan.
Motion by Jeremy Viers, 2nd by Darrell Higbie to have an adult Halloween Costume Party at the Lodge October 22nd at 7pm. The Lodge to supply meat, door prizes,
and decorations.
Committee members: Jeremy Viers, Roger Brown, Jeff Ridgway.   Motion passed after voice vote.
President Jeremy Viers issued reminder about paying dues or meeting the attendance requirements. Dues to be paid by the October 25th meeting.
President Jeremy Viers discussed Reverse Raffle. Help is needed for set up Saturday morning at 9am. Timothy Livengood volunteered to help at front table as
tickets are drawn. Requested assistance in the kitchen following the dinner from 6-7pm. Scholarship recipients were encouraged to come in for that hour.
Motion as read by Jeremy Viers for a $200 donation to the Rick Small 98.1 “Christmas for Kids” program. Jeff Arnold raised objections based on past
differences. No 2nd was given to the motion.
Motion by Dan McGee, 2nd by Dan Cline to give the 10 hats and a pullover left over from the Golf outing to the Reverse Raffle for door prizes. Motion passed after
voice vote.
There being no further business, motion by Matthew Krill, 2nd by Darrell Higbie to adjourn. Motion passed after voice vote.
Minutes hand written by Nick Lanzer
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