Tuesday, September 26, 2023
Meeting called to order by Sgt. of Arms, Gary Mohre who also led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Members present were Ed Biederstedt, Randy Buehrer, Justin Coffman, Matt Krill, Nick Lanzer, Randy Mills, Stephanie Mills, Jason Randall, Andrew Skiles,
Jeremy Viers, Kevin Beck, Marvin Hug, Gary Mohre and Tom Szymczak.
Motion by Randy Buehrer to accept August Secretary Report as posted, 2nd by Marvin Hug with Motion passing after voice vote.
Treasure's Report given by Treasurer Justin Coffman with Motion to accept by Ed Biederstedt, 2nd by Matt Krill with Motion passing after voice vote. Justin
gave members an update with moving money from the checking account. Jeremy Viers gave an update on the vanguard account.
Jeremy Viers advised that there are 200 raffle tickets to win the Henry Golden Boy rifle. $10.00 each and funds will be put into a special fund to be determined.
Andy Skiles advised there was a training opportunity from FOP Great Lakes Area Coalition in Indianopolis, October 19-20. Focus would be on Labor - Leadership
and Legislative training to also include officer resiliency, technology, case law updates, discipline and crisis communication. The discounted rate of $99.00
for the conference and room and board would be $325.26. Motion by Matt Krill to pay the costs and any additional due to the travel for Andy to attend. 2nd
by Marvin Hug with Motion passing after voice vote.
Jeremy Viers advised that Cops with Kids would be December 9, 2023.
Jeremy Viers Motion to purchase The Gold Circle Table for $100.00 for the SART Clinic Disco Night fundraiser, October 28, 2023 from 7-10 at the Montpelier
Moose. 2nd by Ed Biederstedt with Motion passing after voice vote.
Motion by Matt Krill to adjourn, 2nd by Marvin Hug with Motion passing after voice vote.
Minutes typed by Andy Skiles, Secretary
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