Tuesday, September 26th, 2017

Meeting called to order by President Jeremy Viers.  The following members were in attendance:  Scott Boyd, Fernando Chavez, Dan Cline, Daniel Griffin, Ken Jacob, Michelle Jacob, Matt Krill, Nick Lanzer, Steve Schlosser, Steve Suchocki, Jeremy Viers, Tyson Wasilewski, Terry Bartel, Tom Szymczak, and Andy Skiles.

Motion by S. Suchocki and 2nd by T. Wasilewski to accept the minutes as posted at the meeting.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Motion by M. Krill, and 2nd by D. Cline to accept the Treasures report as submitted by President Viers.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Motion by J. Viers and 2nd by S. Szymczak to approve the membership application recommended by J. Viers for applicant Max A. Nofziger.   Motion passed after voice vote.

6TH District Representative Michael Watkins was present to address the Lodge.
The results of elections at the National Conference were favorable to lodges in Ohio as Chuck Canterbury was elected President and Ohio native Jay McDonald was elected Vice-President.  The state conference next year will be in Independence Ohio near Cleveland.  Watkins may be running for FOP State Treasure.  A decision to run will be made at the State FOP meeting in January.  Watkins commented on a number of actions and concerns of the State FOP.  President Viers thanked Watkins for his service and for updating the Lodge.

Reminders voiced by J. Viers:
FOP Raffle is next Saturday, Oct. 7th.  Any member that wants there child to be eligible for the FOP scholarship must have completed an approved work project for or during the FOP Raffle that benefits the scholarship account.
The next meeting in October is the last day of the FOP calendar year for attendance and we will be holding elections.

Motion to adjourn by S. Schlosser and 2nd by D. Cline.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Minutes typed by:
Jeremy Viers, President

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