Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Meeting called to order by President Stan Nihart at Lodge with the following members present:
Jeff Arnold, Kevin Beck, Roger Brown, Rachelle Delno, Dan Griffin, Matt Krill, Bill Noethen, Colin Rose, Kirk Stickney and Jim Walker.  Excused member was Jim Snivley.

Motion by B. Noethen, 2nd by J. Arnold to accept the minutes of the last meeting as posted.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Treasurer’s report:  (refer to hard copy of minutes)
Motion by R. Brown, 2nd by M. Krill to accept the treasurer’s report.  Motion passed after voice vote.
It was also reported we donated $200 to the MDA lockup over Labor Day weekend.

J. Walker reported all the work is done on the Lodge addition.  J. Arnold thanked all the members that did the work.

S. Nihart read a letter of resignation from member Jim Edwards.  Motion by J. Arnold, 2nd by R. Brown to accept the resignation.

After some discussion, it was decided to keep the recently purchased stage with the pole being removed and placed in the garage.

A short discussion was held concerning the upcoming Octoberfest to be held October 14 beginning at 6:00 PM.

J. Arnold reported that solicitations should be starting in November for ‘Cops with Kids’.

B. Noethen reported he had met with Archbold Chief Martin Schmidt who is currently District 2 President of the OACP concerning retirement concerns and the high cost of insurance upon retirement. J. Arnold stated that he thought the Lodge should send a letter outlining these concerns to the State FOP.

B. Noethen reported on the State FOP conference held in Dayton attended by him and J. Walker.  No votes were taken this year on any issues.

S. Nihart requested a donation for Alexis Rau for Tumble City Gymnastics to compete at the regional level at San Diego and St. Louis.  Motion by J. Arnold, 2nd by K. Stickney to donate $100.  Motion passed after voice vote.

S. Nihart requested a donation for Neighbor’s in Need.  Motion by K. Stickney, 2nd by M. Krill to donate $100 and request a matching donation from other organizations.  Motion passed after voice vote.

There being no further business, motion by K. Stickney, 2nd by R. Delno to adjourn.  Motion passed after voice vote.

James G. Walker
Secretary, FOP 181

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