Tuesday, September 25th, 2012

Meeting called to order by President Jeremy Viers at the Lodge with the following members present:
John Doseck, Jim Walker, Steve Schlosser, Justin Garza, Marvin Hug, Scott Boyd, Bill Noethen and Dan Cline.

Minutes not posted as not e-mailed to web-master.

No Treasurer report.

Old Business:
Reminder to take any trash that will spoil out of the Lodge when you leave as we had a problem with rotten trash attracting bugs and causing a big stink.  Also, please stay on the FOP property when riding ATV’s.  If you need a tour of the property lines contact Jim Walker.

New Business:
Motion by J. Viers, 2nd by S. Schlosser to allow the use of the F.O.P Captain Custar Lodge #181 name for the purpose of hosting a team at the Tough Mudder Challenge April 27th, 2013 in support and to raise funds for the Wounded Warrior Project.  Furthermore, to donate $200.00 toward the team cost.  Motion Passed after voice vote.  For more information go to www.toughmudder.com and www.woundedwarriorproject.org

Motion to adjourn by J. Walker, 2nd by M. Hug.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Minutes taken by:
Jeremy Viers
President, FOP 181

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