Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Meeting called to order by Gary Mohre and led The Pledge of Allegiance.
Members present were Randy Buehrer, Justin Coffman, Steven Graziani, Matt Krill, Jamie Mendez, Steve Mendez, Stephanie Mills, John Rathke, Andrew Skiles,
Terry Bartel, Ed Biederstedt, Gale Horn, Gary Mohre, Tom Szymczak and Jeremy Viers.
Motion to accept Secretary Report posted online by Terry Bartel, 2nd by Steve Mendez with Motion passing after voice vote.
Justin Coffman gave Treasurers Report and an update to the Tara Arnold Scholarship account from the Bryan Area Foundation. Motion to accept by Ed Biederstedt,
2nd by Steven Graziani with Motion passing with voice vote.
Larry Hussey was accepted as an Honorary Member. New Member September Applications were received from Zachary Blue sponsored by Randy Buehrer (MPD),
Ashlyn Figy sponsored by Ken Jacob (EPD), Ross Butler, Brogan Vance, and Emilyanne Cox who were all sponsored by Greg Ruskey (BPD), Randy Mohre sponsored by
Gary Mohre (Blakeslee PD) and Shailynn Bohner sponsored by Tim Livengood (PPD). Motion by Matt Krill to accept applications without further review, 2nd by
Randy Buehrer with Motion passing after voice vote. Members Tracy Harding, Tim Livengood and Greg Ruskey will receive credit for their sponsorship.
Stephanie Mills was present with gun raffle tickets and asked for help getting the remaining amount sold.
Jeremy Viers asked how many 4-H members presented animals at the Williams County Fair. Numbers are still unknown.
Jeremy Viers reminded members that the Lodge voted to purchase a table for 8 people for the Annual Veterans Ball, November 9 from 5-11. The Ball this year is
being organized by the Williams County Veterans Organizations but still being held at the Veterans Memorial at the fairgrounds in Montpelier. Table cost is
$500.00 and will seat 8 people.
In regard to Kevin Beck's memorials given to the Lodge. During the Trustees Zoom Meeting held on September 18 was chaired by President Jeremy Viers with Andy
Skiles present to report the findings. Trustees John Rathke, Jason Raymond and Ed Biederstedt were notified that the Lodge voted to have the Trustees talk and
vote where to give the memorials. It was also decided at the last meeting that due to Kevin being a Chartered and Life Member, the $600.00 from the Lodge would
be added to the memorial. Motion by Ed Biederstedt to give half of the total amount of $5,135.00 to the seven K9 handlers in Williams County. The other
half would be split between the Cops with Kids, Park with the Police and the Tara Arnold Scholarship. 2nd by Jason Raymond with motion passing after voice
vote. Arrangements will be made to have everyone present for the memorials to be given. Kevin's wife Brenda had stated she and her son Travis would also
like to be present during that time.
Jeremy Viers notified Members that the SRO's in Bryan have found information to help kids learn how to react in case of a school emergency. The small booklets
have a Winnie-the-Pooh theme and teach middle schoolers the run, hide and fight option to help them learn more about staying safe. Motion by Jeremy Viers to buy
the booklets for $798.00, 2nd by Tom Szymczak with Motion passing after voice vote.
Motion to adjourn by Matt Krill, 2nd by Stephanie Mills with Motion passing after voice vote.
Minutes typed by Andy Skiles, Secretary
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