Tuesday, September 24th, 2019

Meeting called to order by President Jeremy Viers who also led the Pledge of Allegiance.  The following members were in attendance:  Ed Biederstedt, Randy Buehrer, Justin Coffman, Matt Krill, Steve Schlosser, Steve Mendez, Jeremy Viers, Stan Nihart, J.R. Treace, Kevin Beck, Michelle Jacob, Ken Jacob, Dan Cline, Steve Towns, Jim Walker, Scott Boyd, and Tom Szymczak.

Motion by Steve Schlosser, 2nd by Steve Mendez to accept minutes as posted on website.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Motion by Matt Krill, 2nd by Jim Walker to accept Treasures report submitted by Treasurer, Stan Nihart.  Motion passed after voice vote and hard copy attached.

Jeremy Viers gave summary of opportunity from the Bryan AM Vets donating on a yearly basis from AM Vet profits from pull tab sales.  Gale Horn is checking on the donation requirements specifically if donations can be made to a 501(c)8 Fraternal Non-profit Organization.  Addition of a FOPA as a 501(c)3 may help promote the Lodge in the future.

Jeremy Viers gave summary of Old Business and Reminders:
The winners of the Annual FOP Golf Scramble to benefit the Tara Arnold Memorial Scholarship Fund and names put on the plaque were Austin Frisbie, Andy Skiles, Rob Williams, and Logan Boetz.
Stan Nihart installed the new popcorn machine.  A four year warranty was also purchased.
The FOP Fall Party is October 19th, at the Lodge starting at 6:00pm.  Fliers were sent to all Departments to post.  Contact committee members with questions.
FOP Scholarship Reverse Raffle is October 5th and is held at the Bryan Eagles.  Members with college age children are required to work with the raffle committee for their child to be eligible for the scholarship.  See scholarship application for complete details.
Photobook from Mick Frisbee funeral is in and new 2020 FOP calendar posted.

Tom Symzczak and Jeremy Viers gave update on health of members Gary Mohre and Andy Skiles.
Motion by Stan Nihart, 2nd by Justin Coffman to purchase 15 raffle tickets for a sum of $150 in support of the DJ Siebert Benefit Gun Raffle held by Crossed Rifles of Bryan.  Winnings to be used in future FOP fundraising.  Motion passed after voice vote.
Motion by Stan Nihart, 2nd by Scott Boyd to purchase 15 Port-a-Pit Chicken Dinner tickets for the D.A.R.E. fundraiser Saturday, Oct. 19th held at the Montpelier State Bank.  Motion passed after voice vote.
Jeremy Viers presented information on Defiance Police Officer’s Association DPOA Local #166 Charity Fund “Pick 3 Sportsman Raffle”.  No motion given.
Motion by Jeremy Viers, 2nd by Ed Biederstedt to donate previously purchased $40 McDonalds gift card to Andy Skiles family.  Motion passed after voice vote.
Jeremy Viers and Stan Nihart presented a summary of the United Way of Williams County Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library program suggesting the FOP Lodge become a major donor at the $500 level allowing the Lodge name to be posted.  Motion By Matt Krill and 2nd by Tom Szymczak to donate $500 to the program.  Motion passed after voice vote.
Jeremy Viers presented summary of current medical and financial hardship of member Dan Cline.  Motion by Jeremy Viers and 2nd by Scott Boyd to donate $200 gas card to member Dan Cline and to encourage membership network with others on transportation and pet issues.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Motion to adjourn by Stan Nihart, 2nd by Randy Buehrer.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Minutes typed by:  Jeremy Viers, President

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