FOP Lodge 181 Captain Custar  09/23/14

Terry Bartel, JR Trease, Jim Walker, Randy Burherer, Marvin Hug, Matt Krill, John Doseck, Mike Willis, Jeff Arnold, Gary Mohre, Gale Horn, JR Jones, Greg Ruskey, Matt Franzdorf, Jeremy Veirs, Steve Towns, Schlosser.

Voted on Mins.:  Motion Krill, second Schlosser - Passed.

Tres:  Unchanged - no expenses - passed

Old business:
Attendance check for year and Oct. elections
Opdyke Park Project - Bo Rupp Eagles Scout Project Bridge Deck - $1,000.00.  Motion to donate: Jeff Arnold second Marvin Hug.  Passed
Raffle Oct. 5th - Reminder
Thank you from Stryker Rec. Baseball
Callaway Concrete - quote $13,365.00  Motion to accept Jeremy Veirs second by Jeff Arnold  Passed.

New Business:
Boy Scouts Edon #74 $250.00  Motion by Gary Mohre Second by Marvin Hug.  Passed.
Cops and Kids - Set for Dec. 14th Chappa in charge - about 70 kids.  Door Prizes - Foster tax service and Blaze N babes
Softball end of year - Third place
Fall Fest Oct. 25th at lodge.

Motion to adjourn:  Gary Mohre second Walker.

S. Towns

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