Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Meeting called to order by President Stan Nihart at the Lodge with the following members present: Motion by G. Horn, 2nd by R. Delno to accept the minutes of the last meeting as posted. Motion passed after voice vote. Treasurer’s report: (refer to hard copy of minutes) New members – for regular membership: Corey Bush, Bryan PD. For honorary membership: Randy Bockover, Justin Garza, Jim Livengood and Richard Wonderly, Bryan PD Reserves. Motion by G. Horn, 2nd by M. Marchek to accept all as new members. Motion passed after voice vote. New member Michelle Zimmann introduced herself. After discussion concerning the increase of membership dues, motion by G. Horn, 2nd by J. Bosiacki to begin charging the $50 new membership dues beginning November 1, 2008 and current members dues due to lack of attendance beginning October 1, 2009. Motion passed after voice vote. G. Horn reported he had received a quote of $2,750 from Van Hug to remove 4” of sod and install approximately 100 ton of stone for an expanded parking lot. He advised this quote is probably high as Hug doesn’t believe the job will take 100 ton of stone. After discussion, request to expand parking lot failed due to lack of motion. S. Nihart reported the planning for the Octoberfest is progressing and we should be ready to go. As of now, approximately 50 people have stated they plan on attending. S. Viers reported the golf outing was cancelled for this year due to inclimate weather. J. Bosiacki reported the Wii has been used consistently at the parties and asked if we should purchase more games including ‘Rock Band I’ which includes a drum set. Motion by M. Franzdorf, 2nd by R. Delno for purchase up to $350. Motion passed after voice vote. S. Nihart reported Mick Frisbie was voted in as a new member April 2008 and Greg Ruskie was voted in as a new member June 2008. Neither has attended a meeting since becoming new members and therefore have not meet the new member requirements. J. Viers advised he will tell them to be at the October 2008 meeting or they will be dropped as members. J. Viers reported that Raul Cuellar’s wife had a major heart attack a week ago, has had a pacemaker installed and is now home. The Executive Board had authorized a $200 donation to Raul for travel expenses. It had been learned that there were concerns the Executive Board had authorized $500 for another member and there was concern as to the discrepancy in the amount of donation. He explained that the other member is a long time member of the Lodge with Raul’s wife being a relative of a short time member who will no longer be a member as of November 1, 2008 due to him transferring from the area. G. Horn advised that Raul was very grateful for the donation. After discussion, the consensus of the membership was that the Executive Board acted properly. There being no further business, motion by M. Krill, 2nd by D. Griffin to adjourn. Motion passed after voice vote. James G. Walker - Back - |