Tuesday, September 23, 2003
Meeting called to order by President Stan Nihart at the Lodge with the following members present: After the reading of the minutes of the last meeting, S. Nihart noted that Todd Shock’s name was misspelled. Motion by S. Suchocki, 2nd by J. Arnold to accept with correction. Motion passed after voice vote. Treasurer’s report: (refer to hard copy of minutes) S. Nihart reported that $100 was donated to the Williams County Cancer Society over the summer. We also purchased a weed sprayer and a pressure washer for Lodge use. S. Nihart presented a proposal from Current Office Solutions for bar stools at $80 each for swivel and $50 each for backless. After discussion, motion by J. Walker, 2nd by J. Arnold to have S. Suchocki check around for other prices. Motion passed after voice vote. S. Nihart reported we need to spray the lawn for moles again as well as the possibility of investing in mole traps next year. J. Arnold reported he does not have the by-laws proposal ready yet for the position of Historian. He stated he should have it ready for the next meeting. R. Walsh presented the albums with photos of what she has completed so far. S. Nihart led discussion on the purchase of a digital camera for use by the Historian. Motion by J. Arnold to purchase one not exceeding $400. 2nd by M. Arnold. Motion passed after voice vote. J. Arnold reported that if we are still planning on moving any trees, it should be done in the next month or so or we will have to wait until next spring and it may be too wet then. D. Griffin will check with Ferrell’s for pricing. J. Arnold reported Shop with a Cop will be held on Saturday, December 13, 2003. Solicitation will begin the 1st week of November and continue up through December 13. He reported we will only be receiving 40% commission this year per prior agreement with the solicitors. J. Walker requested a donation from the Lodge towards the Bryan Police Firing Range to assist in upgrades. L. Altman explained some of the improvements they would like to do. After some discussion, L. Altman was requested to make a presentation of ideas along with pricing at the next meeting. After some discussion, Motion by S. Suchocki, 2nd by J. Arnold, to hold this years Criminal Justice October Fest on Saturday, October 25, 2003 beginning at 6:00 PM. The Secretary was directed to fax this information to each Police and Probation department and request RSVP’s by October 10. The Lodge will provide meat, refreshments and tableware. Attendees are asked to bring a passing dish. Halloween costumes are optional and kids are welcome. After some discussion on installing the French door, K. Beck volunteered to make contacts to attempt finding the best price to have it installed. L. Lawrence asked if the Lodge is interested in bidding on a Bi-centennial bell from the fairgrounds. Further discussion was tabled until the next meeting. The next regular meeting will be held one week earlier on Tuesday, October 21 with a work detail to start at 6:00 PM to clean the lodge in preparation for the October Fest. Attendance credits will be given for both the work detail and the meeting. There being no further business, motion by L. Lawrence, 2nd by S. Suchocki to adjourn. Motion passed after voice vote. James G. WalkerSecretary, FOP 181 - Back - |