Monday, September 23, 2002
Meeting called to order by President Kevin Hager at the Lodge with the following members present: Motion by C. Rose, 2nd by K. Beck to accept the minutes of the last meeting as posted. Motion passed after voice vote. Treasurer's report: (refer to hard copy of minutes) Bills: Appreciation awards $210.00, B. Noethen hotel $284.26 and 4-H fair $1,205.16. K. Hager reported work is still being done on the Memorial marker. We have received the new mower and the party went well. The Lodge purchased the Grand Champion goat, the Reserve Champion goat and a lamb at the Williams County Fair for a total of $1,205.16. Fall solicitation started today. Discussion on making a donation to Williams County Crime Stoppers was tabled until the next meeting until we determine how well the solicitation is going. M. Arnold requested a donation of $112.00 to purchase t-shirts for the Bryan Citizen’s Police Academy. Motion by S. Nihart, 2nd by S. Suchocki to make the donation. Motion passed after voice vote. After much discussion, motion by S. Nihart, 2nd by D. Griffin to reduce the Show account to $5,000.00 with the remainder to be placed in the Lodge savings account. Motion passed after voice vote. Discussion concerning a date to hold the Lodge October Fest. Due to a possible conflict with Trick-or-Treat, the Executive Committee will make a decision as soon as possible to hold the party either Saturday, October 26th or Saturday, November 2. Costumes will be optional. Reminder that nominations and elections of Lodge officers for 2003 will be held at the next meeting. It was decided to have a work detail immediately preceding the next meeting to clean the lodge in preparation for the party. The work detail will begin at 1800 hrs with the meeting to begin at 1900 hrs, Tuesday, October 22. K. Hager lead discussion of new by-laws. All members are to look over the sample by-laws and make any recommendations at future meetings. There being no further business, motion by C. Rose, 2nd by K. Beck to adjourn. Motion passed after voice vote. James G. WalkerSecretary, FOP 181 - Back - |