Tuesday September 22nd, 2015

Meeting called to order by President Jeremy Viers with the following members in attendance: Fernando Chavez, Jason Raymond, Matthew Krill, Steve Suckocki, Gary Mohre, Jeremy Viers, Jeff Ridgway, John Doseck, Paul Zawodny, Terry Bartel, Chris Chapa, Gale Horn, Jim Walker, Andy Skiles, Dan Cline, and Randy Buehrer.

No Minutes posted

No Treasure’s report

Old Business:
Randy Buehrer reminded members of work day set for tomorrow September 23rd at 6:00 pm.   President Viers asked members to sign in and mark off completed jobs from the work detail list posted at the lodge.
President Viers reminded Active Members need to have attended FIVE meetings/work details, Active Members Working second shift and otherwise not able to attend meetings need ONE work detail and to have attended the previous Cops with Kids, and Life Members need to have attended TWO meetings/work details to have their State and National dues paid.  Contact the Lodge Secretary to check your status.
Paul Zawodny asking for help in securing a location for next year’s Golf Outing.
Cops with Kids is set for December 12th starting at the Bryan Wal-Mart at 8am.  Christmas pizza party to follow at the Bryan Wesley United Methodist Church, 903 Center St.  Gale Horn to check with Rick Small about getting additional candy donated.  Expecting approximately 80 kids in attendance with additional family members.

New Business:
S. Suckocki presented a funding request from Williams County resident Benjamin Murray.  Benjamin is visually impaired and is raising money to purchase a visual aid with a total cost of 15k.  Motion by S. Suckocki, second by G. Horn to donate $500.00 to Benjamin Murray to be used towards the purchase of eSight vision equipment to aid his impaired vision.  Motion passed after voice vote.
G. Mohre presented a funding request from the Boy Scouts Troop #74 of Edon that will once again be conducting a Haunted Forest Fund Raiser.  Motion by G. Mohre, second by M. Krill to donate $250.00 to Boy Scout Troop #74.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Motion to adjourn by M. Krill, second by S. Suckocki.  Meeting adjourned after voice vote.

Minutes taken by President Jeremy Viers

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