Tuesday September 22, 2009

Meeting was called to order by president Gale Horn.  Member present: Jeff Arnold, Matt Arnold, Jennifer Bosiacki, Matt Franzdorf, Nick Lanzer, Mike Marchek, Gary Mohre, Randy Mohre, Bill Noethen, Jason Shaffer, Matt Uran, Jeremy Viers, Jim Walker, Tyson Wasilewski.  Excused members: Don Bulla, Rachelle Delno, Bill Hodapp, Steve Suchocki

Treasurer’s report:  (refer to hard copy of minutes)
On the 27th the CD at 5/3 Bank is up for renewal.  There is a checking account at Farmers and Merchant Bank ith 3.5 intrest.  Motion to move the CD from 5/3rd to Farmers Merchant by M. Franzdorf and 2nd by J. Arnold motin passd by voice vote.

Old Business:
Another estimate on the tiles for the property: 10" tile 5220.00 and 12" 5623.00.  The county engineer would like us to sign a letter so they can come in and assess everyone.  This issue has been tabled to let it go till next year.

Stan got the price for steaks from chief for October Fest.  Need RSVPs for steak or chicken and the passing dish that you would like to bring.

New Business:
There is a free 4 day seminar about Criminal Interdiction on November 30th to December 3rd.  The class is free for all Law Enforcement and will be held at the Williams County Veterans Memorial Building.  If you are interested please contact Ohio State Highway Patrol Defiance Post at 419-784-0063.  A donation of 500.00 for food and drinks motion by J.Walker and 2nd by M. Uran passed by voice vote.

Northwest college is looking at starting classes for continuing education in conjunction with OPOTA.  They are hoping to provide 3 to 4 classes a year.

motion to adjurn: M.Uran 2nd by R.Mohre motion passed by voice vote

Jennifer L. Bosiacki
Secretary, FOP 181

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