Tuesday, September 18, 2001

Meeting called to order by President Stan Nihart at the Lodge with the following members present:
Jeff Arnold, Matt Arnold, Carl Long, Bill Noethen, Scott Pollick, Colin Rose, Jason Shaffer, Jim Walker and Tracey Williamson.

After reading of the minutes of the last meeting, motion by C. Rose, 2nd by J. Arnold to accept. Motion passed after voice vote.

Treasurer's report:  (refer to hard copy of minutes)

J. Arnold reported on the upcoming show.  Solicitation will be November 5 thru December 14, 2001. The Cops with Kids program will be held Saturday, December 15, 2001 starting at 0900 at Wal*Mart and K-Mart in Bryan.  The pizza party will be held immediately awards at the Wesley Unity Methodist Church in Bryan.

Application for transfer of membership received from Greg Brillhart, Bryan PD.  Motion by B. Noethen, 2nd by S. Pollick to accept.  Motion passed after voice vote.

It was reported that Kent North will probably not hold the October Fest until November.

Discussion on the Lodge holding an adults only costume party in October then a Christmas party for the kids in December.  It was decided to hold the party when Kent North does.

After some discussion, motion by S. Nihart, 2nd by J. Walker to purchase a suspended electric heater for the new garage to be placed in the northeast corner.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Jason Shaffer is to check prices for an air compressor for the garage.

After some discussion on membership attendance, it was decided that current members that have not met the attendance requirement will be required to pay their Lodge dues of $20 by December 1, 2001 or they will be dropped from membership.  The Secretary is to contact the effected member by e-mail or mail.

After discussion concerning insulating the new garage, motion by J. Shaffer, 2nd by S. Pollick to insulate before winter.  Motion passed after voice vote.  C. Rose is to get the insulation.

After discussion concerning the benefit for Lee Lawrence's daughter, motion by J. Shaffer, 2nd by B. Noethen for the Lodge to pay the fees for any member that wants to attend.  Motion passed after voice vote.

There being no further business, motion by S. Nihart, 2nd by C. Rose to adjourn.  Motion passed after voice vote.

James G. Walker
Secretary, FOP 181

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