Monday, August 30, 2010
Meeting called to order by president Jeremy Viers at the Lodge with the followings members present: Matt Arnold, Kevin Beck, Rachelle Delno, Darrell Higbie, Gale Horn, Nick Lanzer, Gary Mohre, Randy Mohre, Stan Nihart, Steve Towns and Jeremy Viers. Excused members were Jennifer Bosiacki, Jim Snivley, Steve Suchocki and Jim Walker. Motion made by G. Mohre, 2nd by G. Horn to open a 2nd checking account. S. Nihart opened a 2nd checking account for the reverse raffle money for the scholarship fund. The only checks that will be written was for the printing of the tickets, food, misc. stuff like Gordon’s and Northwest State. Motion passed after voice vote. Tickets have to be turned in by Sept. 7, 2010. Signs have to be made and tickets need to put in envelopes. There will be workers need for the reverse raffle. We are guessing we need approximately 12 to 15 people to work several stations at the raffle. Motion by J. Viers, 2nd by S. Nihart for $100 to be used to purchase liquor for the raffle. Open liquor bar will shut down when the raffle is done. Beer will keep going until the keg runs out. Motion passed after voice vote. Motion by J. Viers, 2nd by D. Higbie to sponsor a 4 man team to the Frank Vazquez Golf Outing Memorial Scholarship Fund in Kettering, Ohio on September 18, 2010. Motion passed after voice vote. Motion by D. Higbie, 2nd by G. Horn to purchase 2 gallon Butter Oil and salt shakers from G. Mohre. Motion passed after voice vote with one abstaining. There being no further business, motion by G. Horn, 2nd by S. Towns to adjourn. Motion passed by voice vote. Rachelle M. DelnoSecretary, FOP 181 - Back - |