Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Meeting called to order by President Jeremy Viers and leading the Pledge of Allegiance.  Members in attendance: Randy Buehrer, Fernando Chavez, Dan Cline, Justin Coffman, Matt Krill, Andy Skiles, Jeremy Viers, Adam Wheeler, Terry Bartel, John Doseck, and Paul Zawodny.

Tom Szymczak reported his absence due to training in Columbus.

Motion by Randy Buehrer, 2nd by Adam Wheeler to accept May’s secretary report.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Motion by Matt Krill, 2nd by Terry Bartel to accept Treasures report as submitted by Jeremy Viers.  Motion passed after voice vote and hard copy attached.

Jeremy Viers advised the summer’s events of Family Day paintball that had 8 participate.
Purchased at the Relay for Life was a reclining patio chair which was given away as a gift at the Tara Arnold golf outing that had 8 teams.
New tools purchased for lodge include pole saw and small power washer.
New larger wood pellet grill was purchased to use for gatherings to help promote fellowship.
Also noted that FOP Raffle is October 6, 2018 that working is a requirement for members to qualify for scholarships.
Also noted work detail is also required and left a list of jobs needed done around the property.

Members were advised of six tickets available to members to Firekeepers Casino to support Humane Society and Williams County Sheriff’s Office K9 fund.
Motion by Andy Skiles, 2nd by Justin Coffman to award $200.00 per child of member participating in Williams County Fair.  Motion passed by voice vote.

Motion to adjourn by Matt Krill, 2nd by Randy Buehrer.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Minutes typed by Andy Skiles, Secretary.

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