Ford Custar FOP Lodge 181

Darrell Higbie, Matt Arnold, Marvin Hug, Matt Franzdorf, Randy Buerer, Steve Schlosser, Jeremy Veirs, Steve Towns, Michelle Zimmann, Ken Jacob.

Old Business
Leadership issue - Tabled
Gun won at the Lima Lodge raffle will be auctioned off at our Reverse Raffle.

New Business
Tara Arnold - Golf Outing - June 2013. $40.00 Per. person
Suburban - Raise amount to $350.00 giving away.
Motion Matt Arnold second Steve Towns Passed.

Paul Feeney - flowers Will be sent

New Members: Tony Plotts - Motion by Jeremy Veirs to accept, second by Matt Arnold - Passed

Any Raffle help will be apreceated.

Motion to adjourn. by Matt Arnold Second by Darrell Higbie Passed

Steve Towns, Sec.

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