Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Meeting called to order by Gary Mohre who requested a moment of silence for the recent passing of Life Member, Kevin Beck. Pledge of Allegiance followed.
Members present were Matt Krill, Andrew Skiles, Terry Bartel, Gary Mohre, Tom Szymczak and Jeremy Viers.
Motion to accept Secretary Report posted online by Matt Krill, 2nd by Gary Mohre with Motion passing after voice vote.
Jeremy Viers gave Treasurers Report as Justin Coffman was working. Motion to accept by Tom Szymczak, 2nd by Terry Bartel with Motion passing with voice vote.
A Member application was received from Larry Hussey from Edgerton PD being sponsored by Tracy Harding. Application will be held for one meeting before Hussey
can be accepted.
Jeremy Viers said he will reach out to Stephanie Mills to find out how many tickets are left for the gun raffle. Need help getting remaining tickets sold.
Viers also gave an update on the Bike to the Bridge that had Deputy Tyler Maynard helping lots of kids with bike safety.
Mowing for the year has been going well and only a couple more times might be needed.
Tom Szymczak mentioned that the FOP flag was looking in poor shape for formal events. Motion by Jeremy Viers to buy new flag, 2nd by Matt Krill with Motion
passing after voice vote.
Conversation regarding the memorials coming to the Lodge was chaired with the Trustee's making the final decision on where to spend the donations. The Beck
family believes it would be Kevin's wish for the K9 handlers, the Cops with Kids or another event that has police officers working with the community or kids.
Motion by Jeremy Viers to give $600.00 from the Lodge to Kevin Beck as a Charter Member to be split between the decision of the Trustees. Motion passed after
voice vote.
Jeremy Viers stated there are a lot of new officers in the county that might like to be members of the Lodge. He would like to call this event the New Member
September with new applications received would be half the membership cost. Sponsors of applications will get credit for 3 days towards their membership
requirement. Motion by Tom Szymczak to approve with 2nd by Matt Krill with Motion passing by voice vote.
Jeremy Viers reminded members that kids involved with Williams County Fair will get a $50.00 check from the Lodge to support their project. Motion by Jeremy
Viers, 2nd by Tom Szymszak with Motion passing after voice vote.
Motion by Jeremy Viers to sign the agreement for the Cops with Kids solicitors with 2nd by Tom Szymczak. Motion passed after voice vote.
Special Olympics again has invited officers to play with their team in the softball game, September 5. Motion by Andy Skiles to give $500.00 to the Special
Olympics of Williams County with 2nd by Terry Bartel. Motion passed after voice vote.
Jeremy Viers mentioned that the Veterans Ball is approaching and asked if the Lodge would want to buy a table for 8 people. Seats being reserved for Veteran's
of the Lodge and then open for others if available. Cost is unknown so conversation was chaired for a future meeting.
Sarah's Friends has invited organizations to sponsor the Holiday Soiree in November. Not enough interested to make a purchase of for tickets. Motion by
Tom Szymczak instead to give $200.00 to Sarah's Friends, 2nd by Terry Bartel with Motion passing after voice vote.
Gary Mohre brought up that last year the Lodge gave to the Juvenile Division Program to help with costs. Motion by Tom Szymczak to give $750.00, 2nd by Terry
Bartel with Motion passing with voice vote.
Motion by Jeremy Viers to give SRO's a $50.00 donation for their work in the school with kids. 2nd by Terry Bartel with Motion passing after a voice
vote. One Member abstained from the vote.
Motion to adjourn by Jeremy Viers, 2nd by Terry Bartel with Motion passing after voice vote.
Minutes typed by Andy Skiles, Secretary
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