Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Meeting called to order by President Jeremy Viers who also led the Pledge of Allegiance.  The following members were in attendance:  Ed Biederstedt, Randy Buehrer, Justin Coffman, Matt Krill, Nick Lanzer, Steve Mendez, Steve Schlosser, Andy Skiles, Steve Suchocki, Jeremy Viers, Terry Bartel, Gale Horn, Stan Nihart, Paul Zawodny and Tom Szymczak.

Motion by Randy Buehrer, 2nd by Matt Krill to accept minutes as posted on website.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Motion by Steve Suchocki, 2nd by Terry Bartel to accept Treasures report submitted by Treasurer, Stan Nihart.  Motion passed after voice vote and hard copy attached.

Motion by Jeremy Viers, 2nd by Andy Skiles to approve membership application recommended by Justin Coffman for Kyle Miller who works for the sheriff’s office.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Paul Zawodny gave summary of Tara Arnold Golf Outing.  8 teams participated with Andy Skiles and his team congratulated for being the winning team and their names will be engraved on the plaque.
Jeremy Viers gave summary of money given in memorial to Mick Frisbie’s service to Williams County was around $2745.  Austin and Allie Frisbie will receive the donations.

Tom Symzczak advised members that Gary Mohre was injured at work and will check if there’s anything he needs while he recovers.
Gale Horn advised members of Operation Dignity.  There are currently 57 veterans in Williams County nursing homes that would receive gift cards to help with out of pocket expenses.  Motion by Steve Schlosser, 2nd by Andy Skiles to purchase 10 gift cards at $300.00.  Motion passed after voice vote.
Jeremy Viers reminded that a table was purchased last year for members that are veteran’s at the Veterans Ball.  This year the event is on November 11.  Motion by Steve Suchocki, 2nd by Ed Biederstedt to reserve a table at $500.00.  Motion passed after voice vote.
Jeremy Viers brought attention to routine cleaning of the tractor and the extra raffle tickets to be sold.
A fall party was scheduled for October 19 with organizing committee of Justin Coffman, Tom Szymczak and Andy Skiles.  Motion by Tom Szymczak, 2nd by Justin Coffman that lodge will provide meat and drink for the party.  Motion passed after voice vote.
Jeremy Viers asked if Lodge would continue supporting kids in 4H or FFA.  Motion by Stan Nihart, 2nd by Tom Szymczak to give participants $50.00 each for their project.

Motion to adjourn by Gale Horn, 2nd by Tom Szymczak.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Minutes typed by:  Andy Skiles, Secretary

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