August meeting  Captain Custar FOP Lodge 181  8/27/2013

Members Present:  Greg Ruskey, Gary Mohre, Matt Arnold, Jeff Arnold, John Doseck, Cody Nelson, Steve Mendez, Steve Schlosser, Justin Coffman, Terry Bartell, Jeremy Veirs, Stan Nihart, Steve Towns.  Not able to attend:  Kirk Stickney and Randy Mohre due to work and training.

Mins. accepted

No Tres. report.

Old business:  Reference raffle, Tickets for beverages to be given out so bottles can be picked up at the end of the night.

New business:  FOP merchandise:  Medallions, T-shirts and stickers can be purchased at official site.

Motion to adjourn:  Gary Mohre, second Steve Schlosser.  Passed.

Mins. by Sec. Steve Towns

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