Captain Custar FOP Lodge 181  8/26/14

Matt Franzdorf, Stan Nihart, Jeremy Viers, Chris Chappa, Tyson Wasilewski, Gary Mohre, Andy Skiles, Scott Boyd, John Doseck, Justin Coffman, Steve Suchocki, Matt Krill, Terry Bartel, Randy Buehrer.  Working: Walker, Snivley, Towns

Motion to accept Mins.  Motion Buehrer, second by Suchocki.  Passed

Tres Report - see hard copy

Old Business:
Concrete - $13,500.00
Contracted with Ney Oil for heating $900.00 pre/pay.  Krill - Motioned Mohre - Second passed.

New Business:
Reviewed Attendance requirements:
Discussed need for Shop with a cop committee coordinator.  Chappa will first year.
October fest fall party will be Oct. 25 or Nov. 1 if rain.  Motion Suchocki second Wasilewski passed.

Stan Nihart- moved to Life Member Motion by Veirs and second by Bartel passed.

Need to check Edgerton for door prizes.

Motion to adjourn - Boyd and second by Chappa passed.

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