Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Meeting called to order by Vice-President Jeremy Viers at the Lodge with the following members present: Motion by J. Arnold, 2nd by K. Beck to accept the minutes of the last meeting as posted. Motion passed after voice vote. Treasurer’s report: (refer to hard copy of minutes) K. Beck presented a flier for the COPS – Concerns of Police Survivors program. They hold seminars to assist the families of officers killed in the line of duty. Motion by K. Beck, 2nd by J. Arnold to donate $250 to the organization. Motion passed after voice vote. J. Viers read a letter of resignation from Kim Shaffer. He is resigning his FOP membership as he is no longer a sworn officer. Motion by M. Krill, 2nd by G. Horn to accept Matt Fedderke, W. Unity and Stryker PD’s, and Michelle Zimmann, WCSO, as new regular members. Motion passed after voice vote. J. Viers reminded all members that the Criminal Justice Octoberfest will be held October 11, 2008. He reported that the RSVP date has been moved back one week to September 22 and should be made to S. Nihart ASAP. J. Viers reminded all officers the FOP golf outing will be September 13 at Edon Golf Course and RSVP’s should be made to him ASAP. J. Arnold reported he had received information from the Ohio Attorney General’s office concerning FOP Lodges that use professional solicitors for their events and the percentages each lodge receives after expenses. This report shows that the solicitor we use offers the highest percentage of profit. The AG is attempting to pass legislation to require solicitors to provide no less then 50% of the donations to the organization doing the solicitation. Motion my J. Arnold, 2nd by G. Horn to sign the contract for the Cops with Kids solicitation this year. We are to receive 50% this year. Motion passed after voice vote. J. Arnold thanks the members for the donation made to his family during his hospital stay. B. Noethen asked about creating a stoned parking area for the lodge. G. Horn is to get prices and report back at the next meeting. There being no further business, motion by G. Horn, 2nd by M. Uran to adjourn. Motion passed after voice vote. James G. Walker - Back - |