Captain Custar FOP Lodge meeting 08/25/2015

Motion to accept last meeting mins.  Motion by Randy Buehrer 2nd by Matt Arnold - Passed

Tres. Report:  Motion to accept Matt Krill second by Gary Mohre.  motion passed.

Motion to put the C/D for the amount of $106,000 in savings - Gale Horn Motioned, Randy Buehrer 2nd passed

New Members - none

Old business:
Checking on Hillcrest in regard to next years golf outing.

New business:
Thank yous from Franzdorf's and Towns's, McCord for DARE and Varner for funds.
Walk to end Altheimers: Donation to person to walk $100.00 -- Motion Towns Second; Mohre passed
Members Children in 4-H $50.00 for each child; Motion by Gale Horn second Boyd passed
Fall Fest set for Oct. 24th. Hog roast - Motion Stan Nihart, second Towns - passed
Work days set - Sept. 23 Weds. 6pm and Oct. 17th 0830

Motion to adjourn: M. Krill, second by Tom Szymczak passed

Members In attendance: Ken Jacob, Gary Mohre, Gale Horn, Matt Arnold, John Doseck, Paul Zawodny, Matt Krill, Tom Szymczak, Randy Buehrer, Matt Franzdorf, Stan Nihart, Steve Towns, Scott Boyd, Tyson Wasilewski.

Steve Towns

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