Tuesday August 25, 2009
Meeting called to order by president Gale horn. Members present: Matt Arnold, Kevin Beck, Jennifer Bosiacki, Scott Boyd, Matt Krill, Mike Marchek, Steve Mendez, Gary Mohr, Stan Nihart, Bill Noethen, Jim Snivley, Tom Szymczak, Matt Uran, Jeremy Viers, Jim Walker, and Tyson Wasilewski Excused Members: Rachelle Delno, Jeff Ridgway, Mario Rodriguez, Jason Shaffer, Kirk Stickney. Treasurer’s report: (refer to hard copy of minutes) G.Horn reported that the tile for the holes in the back of the property would be 6,800.00 per the estimate. The tile does belong to the county and K. Beck will talk with them and see if he can get something worked out. Motion to call county M. Uran and 2nd by S. Nihart motion passed by voice vote J. Viers brought up the layed off members and what their current status is with the lodge. We refered back to the by-laws that reads: October Fest will be on October 24th rain or shine. Once again we will be having steak and chicken if you plan to attend please let us know what you prefer. Motion made by K. Beck and 2nd by T. Szymczak motion passed by voice vote. B. Noethen once again brought up that he wants everyones date of birth and if they are a smoker or not. He still plans to check into a life insurance plan for the members of the lodge. He would like this ASAP so if you have not passed this info on please do so. J. Viers made a motion to get the old insurance back and 2nd by J. Walker passed by voice vote. Next meeting is September 22nd Motion to adjourn M. Krill and 2nd by K. Beck passed by voice vote. Jennifer L. BosiackiSecretary, FOP 181 - Back - |