Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Meeting called to order by Vice President Tom Szymczak who also led the Pledge of Allegiance. The following members were in attendance: Ed Biederstedt,
Randy Buehrer, Justin Coffman, Matt Krill, Greg Ruskey, Andy Skiles, Kevin Beck, Gale Horn and Tom Szymczak. Jeremy Viers reported that he was unable to attend
the meeting however forwarded a meeting agenda to the Council.
Motion by Randy Buehrer to accept August Secretary Report, 2nd by Gale Horn with Motion passing after voice vote.
Treasure, Justin Coffman gave September Treasure’s Report. Motion by Matt Krill, 2nd by Randy Buehrer to accept treasurer’s report with Motion passing
after voice vote. Hard copy attached.
Jeremy noted that no one from the lodge played in the Bill Noethen Golf outing. Motion by Matt Krill to give $100.00 to Bill Noethen Scholarship Fund,
2nd by Kevin Beck with Motion passing after voice vote.
Motion by Greg Ruskey to give $500.00 to Member Steve Doctor for continued medical treatment in Cleveland for his daughter, 2nd by Gale Horn. Motion passed
after voice vote.
Motion by Matt Krill to give each child of a member $50.00 for fair projects, 2nd by Ed Biederstedt with Motion passing after voice vote.
Lodge received a flyer for the Mentor’s for Williams County program. Conversation took place but due to last minute and not knowing much about the program,
further discussion will be tabled if we can have someone from that program attend.
Motion by Jeremy Viers to purchase a table at the Veteran’s Ball, 2nd by Andy Skiles with Motion passing after voice vote. Discussion continued that if you
reserve a chair and cannot attend, that person would be responsible to pay back the lodge for not finding someone to go in their place. In the past, there were
four people that didn’t attend the event and tickets were unused.
Gale Horn advised members of the AMVETS Post 54 hosting 2nd Annual 9/11 Memorial Event. Matt Krill made a motion to purchase a gun raffle ticket for $100.00,
2nd by Ed Biederstedt with Motion passing after voice vote.
Motion to adjourn by Matt Krill, 2nd by Randy Buehrer with Motion passing after voice vote.
Minutes typed by Andy Skiles, Secretary
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